You call me too cold
When I'm trying to hold back the tears you cause with the abuse you put me through every day
You call me too emotional
When I show you something deep inside me when I finally am confident enough to show you who I am
You call me shallow
When I decide that I can't be hurt anymore when I decide that the world is not worth the pain I feel
You call me too deep
When I share what's inside my heart and I trust you again yet this is not enough
You call me too nice
When I try to be kind to a terrible person like yourself
You call me a terrible person
When I say what I mean and I mean it when I say you are wrong
You call me too obedient
When I do as you ask when I have had enough and am willing to do as I'm told just to make it stop
You call me rebellious
When I do what I want finally not caring what you think. I do as my mind has been screaming at me to do and that is when I be myself
Where does it end?
Is it me
Am i so terrible that you can't stand me being myself
Is it you trying to fix me in a tiny box where I don't belong
Am i toxic to those around me or are you the one making me radioactive
Why can't we stop hurting others around us
Why can't I make you happy
Why do I feel that I need to be perfect for you when we both know that is impossible
Why do I feel that I need to be mistaken when you need to be right even though we both know I'm right
Is it me trying to hard
Or is it you always saying that I'm not good enough?
My Poetry Book: Finding Who I Am
PoesiaThis Is a series of poems that I wrote and They are mostly about myself I'm in love with poetry and I wanted to share some of it so yeah.