Split open the wound search out the infection and find the source of the ailment find the solution, apply the new concoction and close the wound to heal
Yes if it's too deep it will take longer to heal
Sure some infections are more complicated than others
And yes the scars will last longer than the wound. And even though the wound is long ago healed the scar will ache when you think about how you got it.
You won't be the same after it's healed the skin will be thicker and tougher than before it won't be as soft and pretty like it was but it will be stronger and far more resistant.
Just like wounds we will heal too. With time and wear we will be stronger. We will change and become more resistant to infections l. We won't be as soft and pretty but we tell more of a story. Our stories, like us are beautiful. We're beautiful because we've dug into ourselves time and time again and found things other people can't see. We are deep and interesting. And as we've looked into ourselves we became able to look into others and we came to new and deeper understandings. We have become wonderful human beings who know how to work to overcome hardships and battle obstacles that obstruct our way. We know how to find solutions to the infections and give our medicines to others who are suffering. We are veterans as some will always be ignorant to our battles. We are beautiful people with wonderful personalities telling our stories sharing our solutions wandering through life turning to each new chapter and loving each page. Wounds will still hurt us as we are only human. Scars will still ache as we think about the battle that caused them. There will always be new infections that get more complicated every time you face them. But we sport our battle scars and keep going no matter how hard it is. The scars will fade with time and we will gather immunities to the infections. And everytime we dig into ourselves we will find new and amazing things. Treasures we will cherish hidden away inside ourselves. We learned how to love ourselves and sometimes it's still hard but we know there are others like us out there who understand what we go through. We learned to love the tough thick skin on our backs that we dawn as armour to protect ourselves from those who would hurt us. We've dived into the depths of our hearts a thousand times and we know we will have to a thousand more searching and finding new things each time. We will do this forever until we die. We will not die without regrets but we will die fulfilled because we would much rather that than have the stupid tattoo "No Regrets".
No matter what wounds or scars you have follow this guide for your help. You are never alone as much as you think you are. This concludes the guide "How To Heal A Wound"
Hey I know how hard it is for all of us who suffer from several things. I haven't posted in a very long time but I'm back and better than ever. I want you to know you're never alone. So this is just a rant more than anything. Just wanted to get this out there. Thanks for reading.
My Poetry Book: Finding Who I Am
ŞiirThis Is a series of poems that I wrote and They are mostly about myself I'm in love with poetry and I wanted to share some of it so yeah.