Who are you? A Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction

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        Even though my best friend and I were/are technically considered "famous" on Vine and YouTube, at one point, Matthew Espinosa was my life. His Vines and YouTube videos were to die for and I would have killed for a follow on any and all forms of social media. Yup, even though I was technically famous, I would have fangirled if he had just pressed that follow button for me.

        Take notice to the fact that it's all in past tense. As in, I no longer idolize the guy. Now that I've actually met him and am currently stuck basically living with him, my outlook has changed a little bit. But's let's go back a little bit, since I'm sure some of you are more than a little confused.

Who Are You? - A Matthew Espinosa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now