Chapter 10

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We were now all on the tour bus. I decided that for right now, hiding out in my personal bunk was the best option. I didn't want to face the Jacks because I knew they would bombard me with questions. And me being me, I would probably let it slip that the relationship between Matt and I was a complete and total sham. So I had been hiding in my bunk in absolute silence for the past ten minutes, which is some sort of record for me. Then, Claire started texting me. At first, she was just checking in to make sure I didn't let Matt's comments get to me (they did, but I wasn't going to tell anyone that), but then, she decided to ask about my "new relationship".

Matt and I hadn't come up with any plan and I knew we needed to sort that out. I know he said that we would talk after picking the boys up from the airport, but I realized that that would be too late. People were already suspicious and soon they would start asking questions. So I decided to man up and text Matt, no matter how disgusted it made me feel. I was just lucky Bart had made us get all of the boys' numbers when we first arrived in case of an emergency. I had texted all the boys already, except Matt. I exited out of my messages with Claire and pulled up Matt's number.

AM: Hey it's Allison. I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but we need to talk.

ME: How did you even get my number? Stalker much? And I said that we would talk later. Like, after we got the guys from the airport.

AM: Bart gave Claire and I all of you guys' numbers. And that'll be too late!

ME: what do you mean it'll be too late?

AM: CK already started texting me questions. If we don't talk now, we are very likely to screw it up when we get to the airport and we start giving people different answers.

ME: Fine. We'll talk now. Where the hell are you anyway? I haven't seen you since we got on the bus.

AM: I've been hiding in my bunk to avoid interrogation.

ME: Ok. I'll be there soon, Princess😘

I knew that obviously the Jacks had seen his phone when he sent the last text, and I couldn't help but giggle to myself a little, knowing he probably was trying extremely hard not to cringe at having to be nice to me.

"What are you laughing at?" Matt asked as he climbed into my bunk.

JaJo screamed, "Use protection!" from the living room, inevitably making me stop laughing and caused my face to begin to turn red, which caused Matt to laugh. God, I forgot how adorable his laugh is.

"Nothing, Princess," I said as I jokingly blew him a kiss and then resumed giggling.

Matt just stared at me. Well, obviously someone has no sense of humor. Or maybe he's still mad about that wedgie I gave him earlier...

"Look," he began, whispering. "you're the one who wanted to talk, so let's start talking."



We were sitting on Allison's bunk, and for once, we were actually trying to work together. Granted, we were working together on the best ways to lie to our friends, but still working together none the less. When I had first gotten to her bunk, I heard her quietly giggling. God, her giggle was adorable, just like everything else she did! Wait a minute. I didn't just think that. I couldn't have. I knew she was right about us having to have our facts straight before getting to the airport, so now here we were. Sitting awkwardly in silence, waiting for the other person to speak first. Allison broke down first, knowing there wasn't a ton of time.

"So how did we end up as a couple?" Allison asked me.

"Well, in case you forgot, there's this wonderful little clause in our contract that allows Bart to do whatever he wants and-"

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