Seven? Saeyoung?

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This will be held at an orphanage. It will be a little NOT mystic messenger-ish tho. Saeyoung will be an orphan with no evil abusing mother and a very adorable Saeran.~




"Seayoung! Don't run so fast! You will fa-" without finishing the sentence, Saeyoung fell.

"-ll. I told you to not go so fast. Come here" Father Antonio sighed as he held up the small 4 year old in his arms.

"UWAHHH!!" As Saeyoung wailed loudly, Father Antonio hugged him tightly while rubbing his back, shushing him. (Is shushing a word?? Oh wtvr)

"Saeyoung, you mustn't run like that again okay? You don't want to hurt yourself" Father Antonio advised him while holding up a finger like a mother does to her naughty son.

"O-Okay. Saeyoung promise to not do it again" Saeyoung whimpered with his small finger placed oh his quivering lips.

I found this in the internet~

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I found this in the internet~

Father Antonio rubbed Saeyoung's back carefully. That was the most loving gesture Saeyoung's ever gotten throughout his life.

Saeyoung hugged back just as tightly. He never want to ever let go. He knows that Father Antonio doesn't have much time. Even as a 4 year old, he was able to see and predict what was going to happen to Father Antonio.
Saeyoung buried his red head in the crook of Father Antonio's chest. Both of them knew what is the cause of Saeyoung's new tears as he tightened his grip once more. Father Antonio never utter a word. For he knew that will break Saeyoung even more.

End of flashback

Saeyoung is now 6 years old. After the death of Father Antonio, he was alone ever since. Even though a new Father stepped in, he is not the same. Father Elias is no Father. He is just another stranger who can't even remember Saeyoung's name.

Saeyoung is now smart enough to think through everything. For a young age, he is considered mature.

Now he goes by Seven. Everyone of his friends have a home now. Except for him. He was fickle at first. He thought that this shelter he's under is his home. For which he won't need a new one. He had Father Antonio, and his friends; Yoosung and Zen. (I feel so evil hahahaha) They were like a big happy family. Yoosung would be the youngest, Zen the eldest considering his age, and Saeyoung would be the average kid whom annoys everyone.

Not anymore now. All of them had gone away. One literally. Seven sighed. He grew tired of having to change places all the time. Usually he would not complain but this has been the fifth house he's been to so far. Today was exhausting. The past homes didn't want him because, one, he is too quiet. Two, he never really talks. Three, he never listens to instructions. Four, he keeps himself in a corner and ignores the world.

Yep. A total goner. To him, his only real family was Father Antonio. Father Antonio was the only one who would care and love him the way parents do.

Difference between normal kids who goes to school and children like Saeyoung are big. For one, children ask they're parents for electronic gadgets, brand new stuff, etc. Some basically demands them.

As for children of the orphanage, they never got things that they wanted. It was always a decided decision. It was okay though. Father Antonio would bring the kids to the park every once a month. He would never fail to bring them out. Even if it is a fault he had to bare, he was stubborn.

Saeyoung was the scared, shy little kid whom sits by the window sill and ignores everyone most days. But Seven, is a cheery, peaceful-looking child.

Even Father Elias doesn't remember his name when people keep calling him Seven or Saeyoung at the same time. Father Elias didn't ask though. He didn't bother with such pitiful matters.

What bugs him is that why would anyone let Father Elias be they're Father? The priest? That idea is just twisted.

Seriously. What is wrong with this people.


Lol i finished it off horribly. Sorry yalls! I'll write, or type, a better one next time kay?

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