Bonus Chap : Mourning

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Note to readers: so i just read this book i created and it felt like so nostalgic HAHA i didn't realize it's been a year at least. So i guess I'm gonna write one more really short chapter for yall :)


Days. Months. Years.

I messed up. I longed and yearned. Things wouldn't have gone like this. I tried. I tried so hard. Maybe the world hates me. Maybe no one ever cares. Maybe I'm just a fool to think of such happiness. I asked. Is life worth it? Is living without a purpose really worth your time?

I needed a purpose. I needed a goal in this time-sucking life. Does it really matter though? After decades of longing, I have it within my grasp. Holding it so close to my heart and soul I thought it'll never perish.

Turns out I didn't hold it close enough.

I remember, bold black ashes rose up the skies. Buildings alongside burned and battered to pieces. Trees were spreading the fire everywhere. My eyes were prickled with water. Tears threatened to wet my cheeks. I was bathed in sweat. All of my clothes, gone with burnt holes on them.

I stood up and stared her house on fire. My knees took the toll and buckled down to the ground. I broke down.

I wish I could've done something. Anything. I was stupid. So fucking stupid. I never thought that goddamn prick would burn down the entire house. Never mind that, I should've been there for her. I could've saved her.

Fucking blaming myself won't get me anywhere does it. No matter if one believes in others or believe in oneself, the result will always be unknown. That's why it's always a pressure to make a wise decision.
Wise enough to avoid any unnecessary deaths.

"You failed. "

I know. I know full well that I messed up. I ruined everything for us. Now that you're not here anymore it doesn't matter does it. No matter how much I grieved and mourned you won't come back.

So, one last gift before we meet again,

"I love you, (Y/N)"

I promise the next life will be better. For both of us. I promise.


so thts really emo. ok as a summary,

Luciel and you were lovers but your lets say "enemy" doesn't like it due to political n personal matters. So the "prick" decided to burn your entire neighborhood. yes he's really crazy. anyway. Your house was burned and you ended up dying as well.
Luciel was grieving for u in this chap and the last part, he was going for suicide so he can go back ti his lover in the "next life" per say.

yeaa thats all !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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