Best day ever

592 18 2

"Lucyyyy!!!" I whined, crossing my arms like a little girl.

"Listen! I have something to tell you!" I said, grabbing his fast typing fingers away from the keyboard.

"What is it? Can you wait a little? I need to finish this report now if not I'll be put into more work! I promise to hear you after I submit this okay?" My Husband replied and pulled his hands back to continue his never ending work.

I was disappointed to say the least. I've been keeping this secret for as long as a week already. I was scared to tell him. But he has the right to know.

So I waited. Waited and waited.

Until night fall. I fell asleep on the couch.


The next morning I woke up on the bed. It's pouring down cats and dogs.


This cycle repeated for the past 2 days. I keep trying to get him to listen but he had to brush me off saying he needed to work. Work, work, work, work, work. (LMAO)

That's all he ever does!!

He never have any time for me. Or anything really.

He's not even eating properly.

The door creaked open and I came to face a sleeping Luciel with drool on the left side of his mouth that is slightly agape. Light snores can be heard from the couch to where I'm standing. I giggled a little. Even if he's married, he still acts so childish sometimes.

I shook him up awake.

"Urghhh.. 5 more minutesss..." he groggily said as he pulled me onto him, wrapping his arms around me. My eyes widen. I smiled. I guess he really do think of me. It was an uncomfortable position but I bare with it.

So warm. It's been awhile since we slept like this.

I snuggled closer to him. Maybe I'll tell him after he wakes up.

_____TIME SKIP______

"(Y/n)~ come on its time to wake up. I can't get up like this you know~"

I opened my sleepy eyes. I feel something hot on my neck. Huh? It feels like..

"GAHH!!!!" I shrieked, literally tried to jump away. Key word: tried. Looks like our legs are tangled up together and I ended up pulling us down towards the ground. Resulting in Luciel inches above me. I was shocked to say the least. Even if we have done it before, I still can't get used to him every time we touch. My heart races and pounded beneath my rib cage. I'm not gonna be surprised if he heard it.

"I'm sorry" Luciel whispered, buried his head into my neck.

"I know I've been an ass to you lately. I miss you, (Y/n)."

I was shocked to say the least. Shocked but happy. Tears sprung into my eyes as I hugged him and play with his hair.

"I miss you too, Lucy ."

"I know we're emotional and all but please don't call me that. It's embarrassing. Oh yeah, that reminds me. What is it you wanna tell me?" Luciel asked, while we got out of our heavy position.

"Oh. Um..I-I.." Oh gosh why am I nervous as hell.

"Come on~ It's alright. I'm not gonna be mad. If it even is something to be mad about." Lucy smiled at me, looking deep into my eyes.

Okay deep breaths.





Okay. I'll tell him.

"I-I'm pregnant" I closed my eyes as I waited for his reaction.

Guess what. His expression is utterly blank, without a single drop of emotion.


"OH MY GOD! OH MY GODDD! OMG! I'M GONNA BECOME A FATHER???!! OMG WHEN DID-WHY? HOW? WAIT I KNOW HOW! BUT WHEN?!" Luciel screamed so loudly, my eardrums were vibrating. He is smiling so wide.

"Well..I'll tell you the details on one condition."  I said, smirking. Yea I know I was like all shy and stuff but you gotta have that side if you wanna be Luciel's girl right? ;)

"Aww come on~" Lucy pouted.

Dang he is such a baby. One of the things I like about him. I whispered the deal in his ears. He nodded at some parts and smiled widely. I guess he liked it.

"Okay, I know it's kinds a bit late now.. but I just wanna show you something" I stood up and get the box from under the bed and hand it to him.

He opened the box. At first he was silent. As he caught on, not a event a second was wasted, he tackled me to the ground.


You got to be...

Are you serious..?"

"Of course I'm serious, Dumbass~"

"I'm.. I'm going to be a...


Okay this is kinda shitty because I'm having my exams right now so yeah. And I'm sorry for not updating frequently. I'm a busy person :) ya know, life is challenging.

So I hope you guys can comment and vote yeah!

Probably some of ya are not going to read this lol #icanrelate

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