chapter five

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The group of six was currently on the road, they were heading to Lestallium to meet Iris, Gladio's little sister. Lumina was sitting on Prompto's lap for once again, it seemed like it was her new seat from now on. And of course, Prompto didn't mind. Her presence made him feel relaxed, she helped him calm down whenever he could not do it himself.

She rested against his chest, face buried in his neck as she slept soundly. The journey was long; the girl was tired. Prompto had his arms protectively wrapped around her small frame, he felt her breath on his skin and it made his heart beat faster. He loved how closer the two had come, she trusted him.

She listened to him and always gave him the best advice, with a smile to make him happy. She teased him and pulled pranks with him, she just was there. Even though all those days appeared to be rather harsh on the four boys, the two sisters were a great help to them all.

Mae was always beside Noctis. And Noctis seemed to really appreciate that, to the point that he forgot about his arranged marriage. He was not as grumpy as he always was, Prompto had pointed that out to the older sister. He enjoyed spending time with the younger of the two, telling her his lame jokes only hear her dreamy laughter.

And of course, it was more than enough for her to see him smile because of her. She was what kept him together, and none of the two had even realized. Of course, Iggy and Gladio loved spending time with the two, they were fun and helpful. Gladio also sparred with Lumina many times, and she even managed to defeat him a time or two, something that left everyone shocked. Iggy taught Mae new recipes as well, seeing how much she loved vandalizing his kitchen. 

Prompto softly ran his hand up and down Lumina's forearm as she slept, feeling her soft skin against his fingertips, as the girl snuggled closer to him in search of safety. "I'm here." He whispered in her ear and it seemed as if she relaxed even more in his touch.

Mae suddenly turned around, gazing at her sister. Her expression seemed to fall, and Noctis noticed that. But so did Prompto, as he held her closer out of instinct. Was something wrong? "You should know that she's been through a lot. We've been through a lot." She suddenly spoke in a soft, yet sad, tone. "She constantly blames herself. You'll learn, in time." And she sat back on her seat, a sigh escaping her rosy lips, eyebrows furrowed.

Prompto's lips were parted, he was trying to comprehend what the young girl had told him. What did she mean by all that? He eyed the woman in his arms, now feeling as if he had to protect her even more. And he would, oh he would.

Suddenly, the car came to a halt, signaling that they had reached their destination. The blonde softly shook Lumina, her eyelids finally opening. She removed herself from the boy's arms, rubbing her tired eyes. Prompto opened the door for her and she exited, Prompto after her before closing the door. He stretched himself, feeling his legs sore.

"Sorry... I know it tires you..." He heard the very familiar voice apologize. He turned to her in confusion, he knew she meant the fact that she had to sit on his lap. "You're kidding, right?" He asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world that he enjoyed having her so close, only him. Oh well, it was.

He ruffled her raven hair, earning a barely audible giggle from her, before the six turned on their heel for the hotel nearby.

"Iris must be over there." Gladio spoke. And she was, once the gang had reached the hotel, a young girl with short brown hair ran towards the big guy, giving him a tight hug. "Gladie!" She called in a high pitched tone. She greeted everyone then looked at the two girls in confusion, but greeted them as well.

"Iris, this is Lumina and this is Mae. They're with us." Prompto explained and the youngster nodded with a smile.

"Nice to meet you both!" She exclaimed and the two sisters replied something similar. "You all must be very tired, I've ready picked your rooms! But... I didn't know that you had company, so there's only one room." She explained with a sigh.

"That's fine, we can manage." Noctis assured her with a ruffle of her hair. As it turned out, the room had two large beds in it, and it was decided that the boys would squeeze in one of them, while the sisters would take the second one.

Gladio was not very into that idea, but he had no choice but to agree. Lumina was currently in the room, holding something in her hands. It was a necklace, one that she kept hidden in her pocket. It was a small replica of her home;  Cocoon.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" She heard her sister's voice and quickly hid the charm in her hands. "Yes, I need some sleep after all." She smiled. "You go have fun, you have a prince to win over." She playfully winked at the youngster who giggled and exited the room.

Now she was all alone.

She revealed the necklace for once again, taking a good look at it. She sighed, memories from her time on her home coming back. Grand Pulse was were she was born but it wasn't always her home, yet it was who she was. Everything she knew came from there, and now it was gone.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek, and another and then another. She bit her lower lip, trying to keep herself from crying any more. She stood up, placing the charm back in her pocket and moved towards the mirror that was hanged in the middle of the wall. She took off her leather jacket and placed it on the bed, then stared at herself in the mirror. Her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her velvet top, slowly removing it from her pale body. There it was.

Her brand.

The L'Cie brand that was spread across her chest, between her breasts. She gulped, taking a good look at it. She remembered when she got her first one, back on Cocoon. Then she was released from the curse. But it was her choice to fall in the hands of the L'Cie for once again. It was what she had to do, to save the ones she loved.

The door barged open.

"Hey, Lum, Mae told me that--" Prompto suddenly stood before her, his cheeks turning red from the sight. The girl was too shocked that her brand was showing to even care about her attire.

And it seemed like Prompto had seen the brand; completely ignoring the otherwise awkward situation.

"What is that?" The boy asked. He had heard of the legends. But to him, it was always a myth. Until now.

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