chapter thirtheen

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A few weeks later

"How do I look?" Lumina asked, stepping out of the room in her pajamas, deciding to tease the blonde.

Prompto smiled once he saw her, resting his head against his hand. "Beautiful." He complimented her and saw her cheeks turn bright red.

"Only you could say that." She moved towards him, he was relaxing on the couch in the living room, camera in hands. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously as she took a seat beside him.  Once her eyes fell on the photo Prompto was looking at, she felt a wave of guilt rush up and down her spine. It was a photo of him, Noctis, Ignis and Gladio, probably before they met Mae and her. They looked so happy, they were all smiling.

She bit her lower lip, hearing him sigh. "I hope they're doing well." He wished out loud. "I'm sure they're fine, and thinking of you." The girl assured him, placing her hand above his.

"You think so?" His eyes lit up.

"Of course I do, sunshine." Then, her smile slowly faded and the blonde of course noticed that. He quickly put the camera on the coffee table before turning his full attention on her.

"What's wrong?" His tone was full of concern. She took a deep breath before finally expressing her feelings. "Prompto... Are you perhaps... unhappy here?" His eyes got extremely wide at that question, not being able to believe what she had just ask.

"Are you serious?" He moved closer to her, cupping her cheeks with his hands. "Being with you makes me the happiest man alive, no matter where I am. I do miss my friends, but I've made new ones. And I have you, which is more than just enough." He explained, feeling his heart hurt seeing her so sad.

"I just don't want you to stay here just to make me happy. I want you to be happy too and--" he cut her speech.

"And I am." He assured his lover. "Just because you miss something it doesn't mean that you can't be happy without it. Things come and go, so do people! But we just keep going and appreciate those who remain by our side!" Lumina couldn't help but smile at those words. Her chocobo had grown up so much, he was not just a little goofball anymore, he was a grown up man. He had been hurt but he was working his way to get up on his feet again. And he had no idea how happy that made her.

"I love you." She suddenly bursted out, without even realizing it herself. Prompto froze at that, his hands dropping on his sides. His lips were parted and he was staring at her like a deer in the headlights. When she realized what she had done, her smile dropped. She stood up and covered her lips with her hands. "Prompto, I'm sorry, I-I didn't want to make you uncomfortable!" She kept rambling apologies, her eyes getting watery.

The freckled boy quickly stood up and rushed to her, grabbing her arms to lower them before shutting her up with a soft kiss. Of course, she kissed back as a tear escaped her eye. Once he pulled from the kiss, he pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you too, so so much." He half-whispered, barely believing that this was happening, that she had said those three words to him.

To be honest, he had felt this way for a long time but he was too scared to admit it. Too scared to say it, not wanting to make her leave him. She softly chuckled. She wrapped her arms around his neck, the tips of her fingers playing with his golden locks and went in for another kiss. He gladly returned it, feeling his whole body go numb, his cheeks burn.

His tongue suddenly brushed her lower lip, asking for the entrance she easily granted him, wanting this just as much. The kiss deepened, and so did their feelings. A few moments later they broke apart, in need of air.

"Come on now." She patted his chest. "Its nap time." She passed by him towards the bedroom the two shared, getting ready to get a good night's rest. She dived under the covers, making herself comfortable before feeling that familiar weight on the other side of the bed. He peeled off his shirt, remaining on his sweatpants.

Lumina turned towards him, holding out her arms for him to lay in them, and so he did. He burried his head in her neck, inhaling her scent before she locked him in her embrace
She placed a chaste kiss on the top of his head before closing her eyes to drift into a deep slumber.

"Lumina?" His soft voice made her mumble a "yes?" He sighed against her neck.

"I know you said it's nap time, but can I ask you something?" He sounded so sweet and innocent she couldn't say no.

"Of course, sunshine."

"Actually..." He breathed in. "Never mind." He brushed it off. "Sweet dreams." He pecked her neck and closed his eyes.

"Sweet dreams, chocobutt." She did wonder what he wanted to say but she was too tired to think, so she simply drifted back to sleep.

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