chapter eighteen

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Lumina's eyes slowly opened, her lungs were filled with oxygen for once again.  She felt her lips being dry and chapped, her whole body was sore. She tried to ease down her breathing, taking in her surroundings. She realized that she was back in her home, laying on the bed she shared with Prompto. Prompto.

Where was he? "P-Prompto..." She breathed, her voice barely audible. She licked her lips and tried to make herself comfortable in her lying state. The bedroom door slowly opened, a creak echoed across the room. The blonde boy entered the room with an oblivious expression, probably expecting her to still be asleep. He had not yet realized that she had woken up so she decided to call his name again. "Prompto..." She whimpered once again, his eyes instantly on her.

He forgot everything he was supposed to be doing and rushed to her side, a wide smile on his beautiful lips. He ran his hand through her locks, gazing at her lovingly. "You're awake." He breathed. He seemed very happy, something that confused Lumina. What had happened when she was out cold?

"I guess I am." She tried to move but she felt her muscles hurt too much, causing her to groan. Prompto instantly pushed her back on the bed, making sure to not hurt her.

"You need to rest." He softly said and placed a kiss on her forehead. "We have all the time in the world." His smile just widened, making her even more confused. "Just take some rest, princess." He carefully fixed her pillows and then walled towards the door. "We'll talk about everything once you feel better." He flashed her a small smile before exiting their shared bedroom, closing the door behind him.

But Lumina couldn't sleep, she couldn't rest. She had to find out what had happened, how she got there. She bit her lower lip and pushed herself from the bed, slowly and steadily getting herself up. She tried to keep herself from moaning in pain, not wanting Prompto to stop her for once again. Her breaths got faster as she pushed herself even further, finally managing to stand up. She supported herself against anything in her way, the walls mostly, finally managing to reach the hanged mirror that rested above her dressing table.

The tips of her fingers fidgeted with her T-shirt, and she took a deep breath before peeling it off of her body. Her eyes were tightly clenched closed, and her heart beats fastened. But she had to face the truth, so she slowly opened her tired eyelids and when she saw her reflection, the T-shirt fell from her hands on the floor.

She gasped, placing her hand on her lips as her eyes got watery. Her brand. It was gone. "P-Prompto!" She yelled, not being able to comprehend the whole situation.

It didn't take long for the blonde to burst in through the door, shocked and scared from his girl's sudden scream. He saw her staring at her reflection in the mirror as tears ran down her pinkish cheeks. Prompto calmed down, realizing that she had just seen that her brand was gone, and his smile returned.

"Is this for real?" She muttered, now turning to look at him. He walked towards her and took a seat on their shared bed, taking her hands into his and pulling her on his lap.

"It is. It's gone, for good." He softly said, wrapping his strong arms around her figure. 

"That means..." She began. "It means you're free." He finished her sentence before placing a soft peck on her nose. Lumina felt her heart explode inside her chest, as her face was now decorated by a wide and bright smile. The freckled boy leaned in to connect his lips to hers, giving her a sweet and loving kiss.

"I can't believe this." She breathed after she pulled from the kiss, still in tears of happiness. "Now... Now.." She started again but hesitated to finish her thoughts. "Now, what?" Prompto asked curiously. She gulped and spoke.

"I can finally make you happy." Her voice cracked and she averted her gaze away. Prompto frowned at that, placing his finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. "What are you saying? I was already happy, being with you." He explained, his eyebrows furrowed.

"It's not the same... Before, I was doomed and you were with somebody who would turn into a monster." She licked her lips. "How could you be happy with somebody like that? Like me?" She questioned, hearing her lover sigh.

"Lumina." He cupped her cheeks and caressed them with his thumbs. "I don't think you've ever realized what you mean to me, how you changed me. You are the one who pushed me to my limits, who made me understand that I could follow my own path. And I would never choose anyone else to walk beside me, but you." He whispered the last part.

Lumina could not speak but instead she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. She caused the boy to fall backward on the bed, pulling her right above him. "I love you so much." She breathed and hugged him even tighter, if she even could, completely ignoring the pain on her body.

"I love you just as much, princess." He replied as he giggled, kissing her jawline. She slowly pulled herself and placed her hands on his chest, connecting her eyes with his. Her legs were spread from each side of his torso, his hands on her thighs. She smiled, and then a giggle escaped her lips. To him, she was more than just beautiful. She was everything he had, she was his whole life. And he would keep it that way for as long as he could.

"Lumina..." His eyes softened, his smile fading. She got anxious, did she do something bad?

"Yes?" She half whispered anxiously.

"Will you marry me?"

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