chapter nine

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Lumina knew she was getting closer, she felt chills rush up and down her spine as she moved towards the ice she knew was Snow's doing. Prompto made sure to stay close to her, looking around for any kind of trouble. They found themselves in the city's main plaza, suddenly stopping.

"What the hell..." Prompto muttered looking around. The whole place had been crystallized. Lumina had seen that before, and it made her understand.

"He became a L'Cie!" She gasped and connected eyes with the blonde. "Snow became a L'Cie again! In order to save us!" She furrowed her eyebrows in anger and sadness. Another explosion was suddenly heard, as voices closed in.

"Fang! Over here!" A very familiar girly voice with a thick accent was heard, getting Lumina's hopes up.

"Where could that girl be?" Fang asked as she suddenly appeared through the crystal that had exploded. There she was, in all her glory, still wearing her blue tunic. She held her weapon across her shoulder as she looked around with narrowed eyes.

"Fang..." Lumina mumbled in shock. "Fang!" She shouted and earned the woman's attention, who gasped in shock. The girl escaped from Prompto's grasp, which made him rush after her, as she ran towards the tan woman. With no warning she flew in the woman's arms, embracing her tightly.

"I thought I'd never see you again!" She cried, as Fang embraced her like a mother would.

"You're safe." She muttered in relief.

"Lumina!" A squeal was heard and the girl looked behind Fang only to see Vanille and Snow. Vanille was quick to get to the two women, hugging the young girl. "I thought we lost you!" She said in her accent, something Lumina had missed very much. In a matter of seconds, Snow was by the four's side, staring at Lumina in shock. She stared at him as well, a wide smile on her lips. Oh how she had missed those crystal blue eyes of that fool of a man!

"Aren't you gonna hug me, big guy?!" She held her hands out, ready to be hugged, as a tear escaped her eye. Snow engulfed her in a hug, twirling her around as he laughed in happiness.

"Lumina!" He exclaimed and held her a little longer in his arms before finally setting her down. He had missed his little blue bird, his little sister. He had been looking for her for so long and now he had her before him.

Prompto was standing behind Lumina awkwardly, not wishing to interfere. He was happy though, he knew those people meant the world to Lumina. Without a warning, the girl grabbed his hand and pulled him beside her.

"Prompto, this is my family." He had never seen her smile so brightly. "Snow, Fang and Vanille." She introduced the three. "Guys, this is Prompto. He's with me." Well, Prompto surely did not understand how she meant that, but he did not really mind. Snow gave the boy a concerned look, he didn't trust people easily. "He protected me, Snow. Up until now, he always took care of me." She explained and that seemed to be enough for Snow to smile at the blonde.

"Thank you for taking care of her." He spoke, earning an awkward and shy smile from the freckled boy.

"He's cute!" Vanille exclaimed in her happy tone, now making him blush, as he always did of course. But the happy atmosphere quickly faded. Lumina's eyes landed on Snow's exposed chest from his v-neck, clearly seeing the L'Cie brand. She placed her hand upon it, connecting eyes with her guardian.

"I had no choice." He breathed.

"We all did." Vanille added as she slightly lifted her skirt to reveal her own brand, Fang showing her arm.

"We had to find you. We needed the power of a L'Cie." Snow explained, but Lumina understood better than he thought. She was a L'Cie herself after all, something only Prompto knew.

"We have to go." Lumina spoke, remembering that Noctis would probably be after them.

"Yes, but before that, I have someone to take care of." Snow cracked his knuckles. Lumina seemed confused at that and Vanille was quick to explain.

"A man, his name is Ardyn. He tricked us into thinking you were kidnapped by a group of men. He said this was their home, so we came to find you. We destroyed nearly everything..." She placed her hands above her chest. "Just like our home was destroyed..." She added, Lumina's expression dropping.

"What's the plan?" She asked Snow who smirked.

"Since when did heroes need plans?" Oh how she missed hearing that stupid line from that buff. "We fight." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "And then we go home." He added but Lumina's gaze hardened.

"What about Lightning?" But they were interrupted before Snow could speak.

"Lumina!" Mae called her name and they all turned to her.

"Mae!" Snow called and the little girl was about to run to them, only to be stopped by Noctis.

"Who the hell are you?" He growled, ready to unsheathe his sword.

"Noctis, stop! They're not a threat!" Lumina tried to explain but he was not listening.

"They ruined my home, everything I fought to save! They're the enemy!" He shouted, sword in his hands now. Snow prepared to fight, Lumina's hand holding him back.

"Listen to me! They were tricked, they didn't mean to--" but Noctis was having none of it.

"They'll die for what they've done!" He screamed and warped towards Snow, ready to strike him down.

"No!" Lumina screamed as she jumped in front of her guardian, ready to receive the strike herself, closing her eyes and waiting for the cold metal to cut her skin. But it never happened. She opened her eyes only to see Noctis' sword a few centimeters away from her heart, but the prince was frozen. She looked at him and gasped. Prompto was right there, pistol against Noctis' temple and forefinger on the trigger. She could see him trembling, she could see the pain in the blonde's eyes.

"Don't." He breathed. "If you hurt her, I pull the trigger." His voice was cracking and his eyes were watery. Noctis' eyes were widened, turning back to crystal blue.

"Prompto?" He called.

"You're my friend, Noctis. Don't make me do this." He practically begged. "All I ask you is to lower you weapon. Please."

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