chapter twelve

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The moment she had set foot on the warm sand of the New Bodhum, she could feel everyone's eyes on hers. Gasps were heard, even some happy squeals, as widened pairs of eyes stared at the long lost girl.

"Lumi!" She heard that familiar kid voice, only to find little Dajh hugging her legs like a koala. She picked him up and twirled him around, as he laughed in happiness. She slowly put the boy down, patting his afro hair before connecting eyes with the boy's father.

"Sazh." She breathed, finally seeing her second father figure before her. Sazh's lips were parted, his eyes wouldn't blink as he tried to comprehend what was happening. He suddenly pulled the woman in a tight embrace, cracking a smile after a long time. Lumina to him was like Dajh, she was a daughter. He protected her alongside Vanille during their first journey and when she disappeared, he was devastated. But there she was, flesh and bones right before his eyes. The two parted, and before any words could be exchanged, another voice called her name.

"Lumina!" The so familiar deep voice of Gadot was heard through the crowd, as he pushed to get to the girl he had missed so dearly. He engulfed her in a tight embrace, caressing the back of her head with his large hand.

"Gadot!" She exclaimed. Gadot was like her guardian angel; he always protected her through anything and everything. She proceeded talking to and greeting almost everyone that was there, something that sort of shocked Prompto. He would have never though that she would have so many friends, so many people that cared about her. He grew up having none, he only found his best friends during his high school years, and yet they were simply three. But right now in front of him was a whole village, welcoming his love back to her home.

He didn't complain that he only had three friends; they were always more than enough of course, but this was something so new to him. All of this was new to the young boy.

"Tonight, we celebrate! For the return of our beloved Lumina!" Snow announced as everyone cheered, Lumina's smile only widening more, if it even was possible. Lumina was sure to link her hand to Prompto's before leading him somewhere alongside the others.

"This is the house of NORA. That's where Snow and the others live." She explained at the confused boy. "I live over there." She pointed at a collection of small beach houses. "That's where we will be living." She seemed to blush slightly as she said that, Prompto's cheeks getting pink as well at the thought of living with her under the same roof. "Come on, you gotta meet everyone!" She suddenly picked up her pace, dragging her freckled lover towards the NORA house.

The team was already sitting around the couches, waiting to hear all the stories Lumina had to tell them from when she was away. Of course, many gazes were thrown towards her blonde partner, wondering who he could be. "Everyone, this is Prompto. He is my... well..." She ran a hand through her wavy locks, trying to figure out if they even were together.

"Boyfriend." Snow teasingly finished her sentence in a mocking tone, adding a few kisses at the end. The others seemed very interested at that, now eyeing the boy from head to toe.

"To hell with you!" She threw one of the couch pillows at the leader who simply laughed it off. "Prompto, this is Lebreau, Yuj, Maqui and Gadot! They're my... lovely friends!" She introduced the team to him.

Prompto smiled softly, eyeing each and one of them "Nice to meet you all." He said in his sweet tone, already winning over the four. Well, Gadot was having second thoughts of course, but when didn't Gadot have second thoughts about anybody near Lumina or Serah?

  Prompto was actually quite scared of the big guy, realizing the hard gazes he shot him after he heard the word 'boyfriend'. Which Prompto didn't even know if it was true.

The next few hours were spent with Lumina telling her own tale, as the others explained the situation after the fall of the original Cocoon. Lumina also explained Mae's absence, saying it was a choice of love. Prompto then realized that him and the young girl had something in common; they both abandoned their old homes out of love.  And they both had a new one, new surroundings and new people to call family, never forgetting the old ones.

"You better go rest for now, before the celebration begins." Snow suggested, a hand on the girl's shoulder. She nodded and stood up, Prompto following her. He still felt so awkward being the new boy, the new addition. But he had a good feeling for all of this.

Snow searched behind the desk in the entrance, finding Lumina's old keys. He tossed them at her and she easily caught them. She remembered that old keychain she had on them, Lightning's old necklace. She had given it to her many years ago and Lumina had decided to put it on her keys so that she would never lose it. They waved the others goodbye before making their way to her house, right beside the sea.

They climbed the stairs and Lumina unlocked the front door, taking in a long breath before she opened the door.  Turns out her home was still the same as she had left it. Of course, it was recently cleaned. Lebreau explained that she kept it clean in case she came back, something she was thankful for. She took Prompto's hand in hers as she leaded him inside.

Prompto closed the door behind him, taking in his surroundings. He smiled.  Something felt right. Inside him, this felt right.

"Welcome home." The girl announced in a soft tone, smiling at him. Home. It sounded good. In fact, it sounded perfect.

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