chapter nineteen

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"Prompto! Come on, hurry!" Lumina scolded the freckled man as he kept fidgeting with his camera that had been already counting down to take the picture.

"Coming!" He called and rushed towards her, before placing his arm behind her back.

"Smile now." She instructed him and smiled herself, but Prompto was currently smirking. Suddenly, he picked the woman up, earning a gasp from her that later changed to a giggle. "Promp!" She smacked his chest but he simply laughed happily.

"Shh! Just smile!" He held her even closer to his chest and then, click, the photo was taken. Of course, Lumina was about to scold Prompto just for the sake of it, but she was cut off by his lips. She smiled and melted into the kiss, caressing his soft cheek in the process.  

Once they pulled away from each other, the two shared a giggle before the blonde finally let the woman go. He rushed to grab his camera and check out the photo, as Lumina took a seat on a nearby rock, admiring the scenery.  Her eyes gazed at the distance, being lost in the beauty of the sky and the mountains.


"Should have expected it." She sighed and turned towards the giggly man who held his camera in his hands.

"Beautiful." He commented and sat beside her. He took her hand in his, his eyes landing on the wedding ring that rested on her slender finger. He smiled to himself, seeing the pair of the ring around his own finger. "What, you like my ring?" She teased, eyeing her now husband. "It's nothing special, just the most important thing someone has ever given me." She shrugged and smiled, earning a teasing gaze from the blonde.

"You're cute." He spoke, softly and playfully pinching her nose. "That's why you fell for me." She stuck out her tongue to him and he shrugged.

"Don't recall ever saying I fell for you." He fake pouted and earned a glare from his wife. He couldn't hold his laughter, wrapping his arm around her and squeezing her against his chest. "Because I love you, princess!" Be exclaimed and she laughed as well, melting into his embrace.

"Love you too, sunshine." She placed a chaste lip on his jawline causing the young man to blush.

"I've been married to you for how long?" He suddenly asked. "Three years." She replied and he nodded.

"Yeah, three years, and you still manage to make me blush every time." He admitted with an embarrassed look and tone, earning a sweet 'aw' from the woman.

"And that's the Prompto I love." She snuggled closer to him, loving each and every moment she spent with her significant other.

"Thanks for making my life less boring." He kissed the top of her head. "Thanks for making my evenings more fun. In many ways." She replied in a giggly tone. The two remained in each other's arms for a few more moments, admiring the scenery and cherishing the moment. Prompto had promised to both his wife and himself that he would cherish each and every moment he was able to spend with her.

Of course, he tried to make everyday more and more fun for the both of them, keeping his promise to make her the happiest woman on earth. And he was damn good at it.

"Hey, lovebirds! Y'all coming?" A familiar deep voice called the two and they turned around with smiles on both of their faces. "We'll be right there, big guy!" Lumina replied and stood up, cleaning her pants. Prompto joined her and they walked towards their parked car.

"You know you really should stop ruining our moments, Gladio." Prompto pouted and laced his arms, Lumina rolling her orbs. "I'm pretty sure you have enough moments back in Cocoon, let's keep that to a minimum while we're here camping, huh?" The tattooed man teased.

"Just leave them be, Gladio." Noctis pushed Gladio's shoulder with his own, crossing his arms as well. He was smiling, it was something that had become usual to him now and it made all his friends happy for that.

"Well, doesn't this feel like the old days." Ignis pointed out, as he pushed his glasses higher on his small nose. "Loving the moments." He teased in his strong and beautiful accent.

"Stop acting like kids now. I thought you said it was time to go?" Lumina smacked Gladio's chest as she passed by him and opened the Regalia's back door to enter the car.

"Your marriage has really ruined this girl." The tattooed buff sighed as he spoke to Prompto. "Uh, no? It made her better! Actually, she was already just great!" He threw his hands in the air as he laughed before entering the car right beside his wife. There was no way he would leave her alone between his fools of friends.

"Just, get in everyone." Ignis instructed and in a matter of seconds everyone was in the Regalia, ready to go.

"It feels nice to be back here." Lumina thought out loud, smiling to herself. "Yes, it surely does feel great." Noctis agreed, as he gazed the distance.

"Feels good to finally get away from the everyday routine." Gladio added, a smile on his thin lips. Prompto placed his hands above hers, their gazes meeting. He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear;

"The best thing is being here and having you by my side."

She felt shivers rush up and down her spine as she rested her head on Prompto's shoulder, linking her hand to his. The morning breeze made her feel free and relaxed, and when she added the fact that she was with some of her favourite people in the world and beloved husband just made everything a little better. And it seemed like her life had just began.

She was not alone, she had a man by her side that would always home her hand and walk beside her. She had a long road ahead of her, but she was ready.

She was ready.

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