✴Chapter 11: Home

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The witch unwillingly jumped in fright, breaking free from Kol's grasp and landing on her butt. He seemed startled by her reaction and took a step back, raising his hands up defensively. "Woah I am sorry love, I just wanted to help you."

Help..? Help?

Don't make her laugh. Kol never helps. Not at least without a reason for it.

Another peculiar thing Davina noticed was the clothes Kol was wearing. They reminded her those of a person who escaped from Middle Ages. Or even farther back. And his hair...he seemed more like a farmer than a person with prestige. What the..

"Uh, okay," he cleared his throat awkwardly, "You are not from around here, are ya?"

She stared at him just a bit longer. This whole kindness thing of his, must have been an act. It was a real cringe though, seeing him being like..that.

Davina stood up, wiping the dirt off her clothes. Her clothes..Oh crap. They certainly didn't belong in 1914. Wait. Women didn't even wear pants back then! She glanced back at Kol, who had seemed to stare at her suspiciously, especially at her clothes. Eventually he chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Well that's the first time I see a pretty girl dressed in pants and some weird clothes. You are definitely not from the around villages."

Why he kept telling her about villages? This memory should be taking place back to New Orleans. Right?

"Yeah you got that right." she breathed, "Definitely not from around here."

"Anyway, I'm Kol." he said with a smile curving up to his lips.

"Davina." she replied.

Well, this was way too awkward for her. She had just been fighting to death with his future self, almost got killed by him multiple times and, now she had traveled back in time and been talking to the old vampire Kol. Even though, there's this thing that bothers her. He was certainly acting like a normal person. Not the vampire cockiness he always had or anything at all which could describe the present Kol. On the other hand, Kol was pretty good at giving you the kind of impression he wanted you to have for him. Quite the talent he had. Liar and deceiver.

Isn't that called hypocrite?

Yup. Not trusting that little smile of yours Kol. Not this time.

"You seem awfully wounded." he spoke up again, "Why were you running back there?"

The girl took a quick glance of her arms, which had cuts and bruises everywhere. Her face must have looked far worse. She shrugged her shoulders, turning her gaze away from him. "There were..some guys."

Kol's eyes darkened, "Some guys? What did they look like? Did they do this to you? "

"No no," she answered sharply, "It's nothing, really. Don't worry about it."

"You're shaking," he stated the obvious as he cocked his head, "You should come to my village. My mother should be able to take care of your wounds."

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