✴Chapter 19: Easy Target

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The people of the village were very energetic.

They never ceased to work. Everyone was preparing for tomorrow's festival; the women were making their own special recipes, with ingredients Davina had never heard of, while the men were piling up planks and woods for tomorrow's fire pit. The children would mostly play around in groups or help with the preparation too. Or cause a big mess. Apparently the villagers thought of that celebration as a very important one.

"They are so noisy today," uttered Kol with an expression of boredom. "They want everything to be perfect, but since the pressure on them is burdening them, they are upset most of the time. One of the drawbacks, that is."

Davina silently studied the people around her. They seemed so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't even notice her being there. "...Should we help them?"

As Kol was about to reply, a cheerful giggle was heard and a ball soon rolled in front of Davina's feet. Automatically, she bent down to reach the ball while her eyes were searching for the owner. It must belong to the kids. But, what a peculiar ball. It was mainly made from mud, with tiny rocks being sank in the huge mass of dirt and not only that, but it managed to stay solid no mater what. Well, she still preferred the rubber ball.

"Miss! Miss!" a high pitched voice was heard and soon the little child appeared before her. Poor thing, it was out of breath. "... Will you give us the ball?"

Davina smiled. She loved children. Their innocence, their genuine laughter. They were frank and straightforward, probably the most honest people in the world. Not like adults. They said what they wanted to say and were confident about it. But the most important thing? They were carefree. They didn't have a care in the world.

... Until puberty hit.

"There you go," she said in a sweet voice, giving the so-called ball. The kid thanked her with a toothy smile and before running off to join the other kids, he turned to Kol, who had been staring at how things went on.

"Your girlfriend is cute, Kol!"

Davina felt her blood rushing to her head. It was mostly the embarrassment and the awkwardness of the moment that caused her cheeks to turn red. Kol had been in the same condition too, but, without the blush of course. He was just frozen in place. Unless you did study him, you would assume that he had even stop breathing.

But the embarrassment didn't stop there.

Apparently, some noisy villagers had heard the kid's words and, instantly, from mouth to mouth the whole village had reached their own conclusion; that the new girl was Kol Mikealson's girlfriend.

Kol, to lighten up the mood, formed a shaky chuckle. "Don't worry about that, love. I am sure they will believe whatever they want no matter what you say to them."

"Whatever they want?" she frowned.

Kol flashed her a smile as a laugh slipped out of his mouth. Davina furrowed her eyebrows, trying to find the reason he had reacted like that to her words but, to no avail. Kol was the hardest person to understand. Who knew what kind of scenarios played out in his mind that moment.

"Anyway, I think we should go before-"

"Brother, Davina," a familiar face popped out of no where, his accent recognisable and remarkable. "Where were you two all day?"

"Elijah." the younger one smirked. "Oh you know, just showing Davina around, going to the forest, trying to get away from here, avoiding to do any-"

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