5 - Chapter Five - 5

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5 - Chapter Five - 5




Six hundred forty three

Six hundred forty four

Six hundred forty five

I leaned my head back against the wall with my eyes closed.  The blanket was still wrapped around me from passing out yesterday.  It had taken me forever to fall asleep once I started thinking about Dr. Stanza.  The man sent unpleasant chills down my spine when I thought about his snake eyes. 

With each drop of water, I cringed when it landed in the pool of water.  Every single drop felt like torture after hearing it for so long.  I knew the sound by heart now.  As each one fell, I was able to tell how many milliseconds it took to hit the ground and for the next one to come falling.  I would even know when they would splash or continue to drip.  It was repetitive, continuing for what seemed like forever, only there to bring me more torment.

Being already crazy and hearing the same thing over and over again was something that sent my mind reeling.

"Drip, drip, drip," I mumbled as each one made the sound at the exact appropriate moment.  I didn't even have to open my eyes to watch that stupid water fall.

Six hundred forty nine

Six hundred fifty

Six hundred fifty one

'Do you know a secret?'

"What secret?" my voice cracked as if I hadn't spoken in weeks. 

It had been a long time since I had actually spoken back to the voices.  Sure I heard them and even paid attention to them, but not for the longest time, have I answered the question directly.  I had learned a long time ago that I shouldn't do that here.  The doctors may not care about the patients really, but they did surprisingly pay attention to their level of sanity they did posses.  They knew that I used to talk to the voices.  When they found me talking to them, they would always do something bad to me.  Since there was no one here, it was alright for me to talk to them.  After last night thinking that they would come in and drag me to the back, they never did so I thought that they were going to leave me alone for awhile.

It was safe and besides the voices were the only ones that had ever really been there for me.  It was hard not to talk back to them after so long of having them around.

'You should know.'

"What should I know?" I muttered and moved so that I was laying down and burying my face in the flat pillow.

Most of the time, they didn't even make any sense.  Always talking in riddles, it made my head hurt.  From last night not being able to sleep because of the dread, it had created a headache that was pounding with my heartbeat.  The headache spread behind my eyes and stretched back to the back of my head with every pounding beat.  I hated it.  Headaches were always something that made me even more confused because I was more focused on the pain rather than what happened around me.  This was one of the times that the doctors liked to come in and poke and jab at me painfully.

'We wish you would remember.  We wish we were in the sun again, warming us on the inside.'

"I can't go outside," I said and my eyes flickered over towards the window where the dark clouds continuously swirled.  "They won't let me outside.  They won't let any of us outside.  It's terribly blank in here, have you noticed that?" I asked while running my finger over the rough material of the blanket.  My eyes were starting to droop close, but I knew that I couldn't fall asleep again.  Not with my mind buzzing, just like the bees in my hallucination.  Right now it felt like they were flying inside of my head, their wings batting against my brain.  I actually started to giggle at the thought.  "Buzz buzz buzz," I laughed.

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