21 - Chapter Twenty One - 21

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21 - Chapter Twenty One - 21

Why, why me?

'This world is cruel.'

What have I done wrong?

'Nothing, the world looks at us differently.'

Darkness was fogging around me, when I tried to open my eyes it was like bright purple eyes were spinning.  They were mocking me really more than anything.  How could I know someone with purple eyes?  Yet he seemed so familiar, I knew him from somewhere.  When I had first seen my brother again, he had seemed familiar, but not like this.  When I looked at those purple eyes, I felt a pain stab through my stomach and I had to curl up into a ball to make it go away.  I didn't want to think about the boy anymore, it hurt too much for some reason.  And truthfully, I didn't think that I ever wanted to figure it out either.  I sucked in a ragged breath instead and squeezed my eyes shut as I blocked out the boy from my mind.

'Don't do that!'

I wanted to forget him...

'We can't forget again!'

Their screaming voices made me flinch and I sucked in a breath.  What did they mean that we can't forget again?  Was there something that I had forgotten?  I couldn't remember... I didn't really remember anything.  With a sigh, I just curled back into a warm blanket that had been wrapped around me.  I don't remember how I had gotten here; I didn't know where I was really.  All that I cared about was that I was warm; I was comfortable, which was happening more and more all the time.  I had the strangest feeling of being safe. 

How could I possibly feel like that after what happened?  I didn't know.  I didn't care.

'We can't go back into the darkness...'

"How long has she been like this?" someone asked and I cracked an eye open.  The light was blinding at first until my eyes were able to adjust.

I was in a single room, one which was bigger than my own.  The walls were painted a light blue color, not the stark white color that had always made me sick to look at.  It was so different from the rest of the hospital that I didn't know what to think of it.  I had to blink multiple times to make sure that I was seeing right.  A desk was next to the bed that I was on and it held a small lamp.  I was wrapped up in my own blanket, but the bed was not the bed that I was used to in neither the infirmary, nor the cot in my room.  This was another real bed, one which was so much more comfortable than the others that I have ever laid on before.

When I opened my eyes wider, I saw that the door was on the other side of the room and there were two people talking to one another.  One I knew was Dr. Hermond, but the other had his back turned towards me.  I wasn't able to see him well.  He had been the one talking to Dr. Hermond.  I didn't say anything as I watched the two of them, listening in to their conversation.

"Two days," Dr. Hermond sighed.  "We believe that she had some bad side affects with a new medication that we provided with her.  She has been very sickly of late, we have tried many things to help her, but I haven't been able to figure anything out.  I'm not sure if it's because she has been in the hospital for so long."  He said frustrated.  When I looked at him, I could see him rubbing his temples as if he had gotten a headache.

'The darkness consumes and we shall lose thought and time.'

"She's been here for twelve years, that is possible," the other person muttered.  "What kind of medications have they been giving her?"

"They were trying to give her an assortment of medications.  They found that none of them work for her.  They've tried many medications, but none of them work.  They've been trying creating a new medication that they thought they were going to help.  It was a finished product and other patients haven't acted as badly as she had."

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