18 - Chapter Eighteen - 18

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18 - Chapter Eighteen - 18

I wanted to go running, no racing down the halls as fast as I possibly could.  The doctors however, told me that I'd better not and glared at me.  If I did, the ox men would grab me and haul me back towards the infirmary while the doctors would explain.  There was no way they were going to allow me to run, so I forced myself to stay calm and walk.  Tom and Ralph, the two robots, were walking on either side of me in case if I did run.  Or to be there in case if something did happen.  And for once, I didn't care.  They could do whatever they were told to do, to me.  It just didn't matter to me at that moment.  There was only one thing on my mind.

'We walk further and further into the dark tunnels.'

When I had woken this morning, breakfast was already waiting for me.  The breakfast was waffles with strawberries and blueberries, whipped cream on top, and syrup smothering it.  It was so good that even as I thought about it now, my mouth started watering.  I couldn't finish it, just eating this much the last few days made me feel like I would be full for the next few months to come.

The nurse came back to get it and I had handed her the trey.  Even after eating like a normal person, I knew that I had filled out some.  Even now I could tell I had slightly, just some, more muscles than normal.  And that was just from eating three meals.  Imagine what I would look like if I ate normally every single day.  I knew better than hoping that it would last.  In another day or two, I would be back to hardly eating anything in just one week.

Yeah, I was going to miss it.

'And at the end of the tunnel is the light.'

We turned around a corner and I could see the light.  Sunlight was streaming through and I just almost bolted for it.  That was until I saw the evil looks that I was getting from Tom, Ralph, and the doctors that were surrounding me.  Out of the two ox men, I still didn't know which one was Ralph and which one was Tom.  Either way I was too excited to focus, to excited to care, or even to look at them.

Dr. Hermond had ordered them to be there in case if something happened.  I think to him he was more worried about my medical health.  He did not want me passing out or getting sick all of a sudden, so he had told the two men to follow me.  The head doctors took this to an advantage, this way they could watch me closer than they had been able to the last time.

A large smile spread across my face as we got closer to the light.  My body was twitching, I bounced up and down on my toes, feeling my hair move with each step.  I even started to hum under my breath as we got closer.  It took all my will power to not run towards the end of the hall.  Sucking in a breath, I closed my eyes and tried to keep the rushing excitement down.  It was starting to rise up and wrap around me.  I wanted to run so badly that I felt my legs tense up as if my muscles had a mind of their own.

'In the light will we find something?'

I blinked my eyes when we finally came to the end of the hall.  The visitation rooms were on the other side of me and the sun for once was shining through the windows.  I was seeing the real sun after all again, and it made me cringe.  My eyes had to adjust to the sudden light and when they did a smile lifted up at the corner of my lips.  A real smile, it was a smile that had not appeared on my lips for the longest time.

There in the exact spot, the cause of the alien smile was my brother.  He was sitting on the table, tapping his feet with his legs moving up and down as if he was nervous about something.  He was wearing jeans and a t shirt today, much more casual than the last time that he had come to visit me. And his hair wasn't as neatly combed back.  It made a little light flicker in my heart, a light that sprung up and started to claw its way up my spine, up my throat and towards my brain.  The light flickered and nestled in my brain, as if latching there not daring to move.  A hope that I haven't felt in twelve years.

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