6 - Chapter Six - 6

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6 - Chapter Six - 6

The same nurse that had brought me to Dr. Stanza's office returned to come and retrieve me.  She blushed whenever Dr. Stanza flickered a smile at her.  I did not understand why she was so interested in the strange man. How did she not see him for what he was?  He was someone deceiving and lying all the time.  He may be a doctor, but that didn't mean that he was someone good.  All the doctors here were horrible men.

We went down the hallways and back down the stairs.  The stairs weren't so bad going down, but they had been brutal going up.  Even as I did go down the steps, I had to clutch onto the railing to make sure that I wasn't going to trip and fall down them.  My feet were unstable beneath me for having to climb up them earlier.

And when we got back onto the third floor, I saw the other doctors and the color drained out of my face.  The ox men were waiting by them, as soon as they saw me, they started towards me.  I didn't think that they would come after me so quickly.  Shouldn't they give me some time from session to treatment?  No they wouldn't do that.  They wanted to see me suffer and wriggle in pain, they loved to watch me do this and all the other patients.  I wanted to bolt but the ox men were faster than they looked and caught me before the thought went to my feet.  As soon as their meaty hands wrapped around my upper arms, I started screaming and kicking.  I knew that there was no point in fighting, but I couldn't help myself.  And no matter how much I fought, I was never able to find a weak spot to them.

'Fight, we will fight, we will never give up.'

I knew that their treatment for me today wasn't as bad as the electro therapy, but it still wasn't good in the least bit.  They were taking me to a different place, down more and more hallways that twisted and turned.  It was in the back of the hospital too, just not near the electro shock room.  It had to be further away.  They had to make sure that each of their treatment rooms was different and they decided to keep it separate.  More torture for the patients.

'Why do you let them treat us so?'

The ox men dragged me while some of the doctors were walking ahead of us.  They were chatting away as if there wasn't a screaming patient that was being dragged down the hall.  These people even were able to block out the terrified screams of the patients.  The nurse that had brought me to and from Dr. Stanza's office had just gave her small sympathetic smile before she darted away back towards whatever station that she was supposed to be at.  She wasn't allowed in the back, or she didn't want to see the treatments.

I was thrown into a similar room as the electro shock room.  But there were differences.  The doctors once again circled around the room, standing all the way towards the back of the wall, behind a deep line in the floor.  In the middle of the room was a long white rope that was attached to a pulley system at the top of the wall and over to one of the sides where someone controlled how high the rope went.  The two men grabbed me and forced my arms into one of those white strait jackets that forced my arms behind me and locked me into place.  The dragged me over to the rope as I continued to scream, at least kicking.  The first time that I had seen this, I had thought that it was just a rope they would tie me to.  I didn't realize what they were actually doing until it was too late.  They changed my feet together and attached the rope to the chain.

'The time is coming closer, the seconds are ticking away.  Beware of what's to come.'

"So tell us Jayden," someone said and I closed my eyes trying to block out the doctor's voice.  "What did you think of today?  What did you think of Dr. Stanza session?" the doctor said in an eerily calm voice of his.

I glared at them, they were irritated.  There was no point in me saying a word to them.  My voice wouldn't be heard when they were like this.  "Danse avec moi au clair de lune.  Nous allons suivre les étoiles dans le ciel.  Nous allons voir ce que prévoit au-delà de la nuit.  Chantez avec moi, chanté à la lumiére de la lune.  Et nous allons danser avec les étoiles." I sang in the perfect accent to French as if I had spoken French all my life.

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