16 - Chapter Sixteen - 16

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16 - Chapter Sixteen - 16

Slice, cut, bleed.  The flash of silver is burned into my memory.  The doctors looming figure hovered over me.  I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell out for help, but the tape that covered my mouth prevented me from doing so.  His usually perfect white lab coat that he wore was not stained red with blood.  I squirmed by the ropes that tied my arms behind my back and bound my feet made it very hard for me to do anything.

There was nowhere for me to go.

I was more than terrified of this doctor; my small form was hunkered in the corner.  It was the furthest that I could get away from him.  When I tried to make my way towards the closed door, he would grab my feet and drag me back to that corner where I was taking refuge.  Cuts were all over my body, over my legs, my arms, my stomach and back, even on my face and neck. 

He was toying with me and I knew it.  His dark chuckled filled the air and that crazy glint in his eyes sparkled as he looked down at me.  This was the doctor that was supposed to take care of me.  Didn't my brother tell me that doctors were good?  They were supposed to make you better?  This man was trying to kill me, even my small five year old mind to comprehend that he was trying to dissect me.  He was toying with me first.

"You little monster," the doctor hissed, that crazy glint in his eyes brightened and a huge crazed smile spread across his face.  He rubbed the scalpel in his hands as he looked over my already sliced form, his laugh deepening.

Wasn't I supposed to be the crazy one?  Wasn't he supposed to be taking care of me?  He was a doctor, the doctor that was supposed to be taking care of me.  Why was he doing this?

"I'll cut you bit by bit until you're in little chunks," he laughed and the voices screamed in my ear to try anything to get him away.  "Bit by bit you will go and I'll find out what makes you you.  I'll find out how you're not human," his hysterical laugh bounced off the walls.  "You're not human after all, you can't be, you just can't be."

I was so very afraid.  The voices were yelling at me to try.  But I couldn't, I couldn't even speak.  The only thing that came from me speaking was muffled sounds.  Soon it had formed into sobs as tears ran down my face and made sharp pain go through me.  The tears were going over the cuts that he had made with the scalpel.  I started to notice that once I did cry, the tears would go over the tape and I could feel it loosen around my mouth.

The doctor suddenly grabbed me and pulled me over towards where his utensils were.  I already had seen most of them.  They were a bunch of medications and other stuff that he was forcing me to take.  He had even taken some of my blood to look over through a microscope.  I didn't know how he came to believe that I was some kind of un-human thing, but he had.  The other doctors didn't see the crazed glint in his eye when he asked them to bring me down.

He used the scalpel to cut the rope and as soon as he did I started to scratch at him.  But I was small, and he overpowered me quickly.  The room was already coated in a thin layer of blood from all the cuts he had put on my body, but it was soon going to be covered in even more.  He grabbed each of my hands and put a deep cut through each of my wrist making me scream out in pain.  The tape muffled the screams again.

I felt so helpless so weak.

With my writs sliced, I used my forearms to rip the tape at least part of my face so that I could scream.  I screamed as loud as I could, sucking in air and pushing it out in a high pitched tone.  It was the loudest scream that I've ever done.

The door slammed open and more doctors came in, looking at the one that had cut me up.  He just flashed a dark smile.  "She's not human!"  He said in that crazed tone.  He then turned towards me and lunged, the scalpel aimed straight for my heart.

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