Amber's Sweet 16 Part 3: The Party!

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The Limo pulled up to the front entrance of an old building I didn't recognise. One of Amber's uncles, who was wearing his army uniform opened the door of the Limo. We were met by Amber's mom dressed in a princess styled strapless burgundy dress. She looked amazing! This was going to be a night that neither me, nor Amber would ever forget.

Amber's mom led the way through the large wooden doors which led to another set of wooden doors. Slowly, the doors opened and a crowd of over 60 people greeted Amber with a loud, "Surprise!" We all split up and found our friends to talk to and dance with.

The theme of the party was "under the sea". There were tiny fishbowls  on the tables and each one contained a fish. Star streamers hung from the ceiling and in the corner of the room sat a DJ stand along with a fog machine, a bubble machine, a strobe light, and numerous other lights. Across the room from the DJ was a bar of snacks with chips, cake, veggie trays, tiny sandwich squares, and many more little snacks.

I made my way around the room, searching for my friends. I was searching for the one person I had wanted to see show up the most, Obed.

It took me about 10 seconds to realize that he hadn't come. I had been hoping so desperately that he would show up. I wanted to see him so bad. I thought that maybe we could have danced together, and maybe that...'spark'..would happen. That maybe, he would realize my feelings for him. I wanted to be held in his arms, to have our our bodies moving to the beat of the music together, to look into those beautiful hazel eyes and get lost in them, to feel the happiest I had ever felt before. But that wasn't going to happen. He didn't show up. But I wasn't about to let that ruin my fun!

I searched around a little more and found Hailey. I joined in with Hailey, my friend Morgan, Nealon, and Xena in dancing the cupid shuffle. Its my favorite of all the dance songs. We all danced and talked and had great time....that is until a slow song came on.

I remember it very clearly, more so than anything else at that party. The song "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars came on and everyone split up to find a person of the opposite sex to dance with. I didn't have anyone to dance with so I stayed with Hailey and Nealon and slow danced with the two of them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this figure walking in our direction. I look to see who it is, and I don't like who I see. It was Ricky. 

"I believe you promised me a slow dance?" He said. I sighed. Yeah, I kinda did. And there was really no way of getting out of it now. I might as well get it over with. I left Hailey and Nealon and walked out with Ricky to the center of the dance floor. I was hoping that that place would be an easy spot for the security guards to see in case he tried anything funny. 

Ricky got down on his knees. "This should make it easier to dance with me won't it?" Even on his knees, he was taller than me. My face got really red wih embarrasment. People around us were taking pictures. I just knew that the pictures would end up on facebook the next day. Ricky put both hands on my waist and I put my arms around the back of his neck. Even worse, he began singing the song to me. If i had been anyone else doing that (like Obed) I would have taken it as a sweet and romantic gesture, but this was Ricky. Everything just felt all wrong. I had bad feelings every time he got near me. We swayed from side to side. The song seemed to last forevever. The whole time I was just praying for it to be over soon. Amber's stepdad even tried coming to my rescue and getting me to dance with him instead, but I knew that if I left Ricky he would expect me to dance another song to make it up to him so I decided to finish the dance. When the song ended, I scurried back to Hailey as fast as I could.

The rest of the party went very smoothly. Luckily, Ricky left me alone for the rest of the time, I danced, I sang, I laughed, and we all just had a good time. Amber's step-dad cut the cake and gave a speech about how Amber had grown up into such a beautiful, smart, and independant woman. It was everything you would expect out of a Sweet 16 party. But, one thing i did notice is that throughout the entire party, Amber never said a word to me and Hailey. She spent all her time with her boyfriend Michael and his brother Brandon. Yes, I am friends with them as well and I was glad she was hanging out with her friends. I mean, its her birthday. But, it kinda hurt that she didn't want to hang with Hailey and I. We are her best friends and she totally ignored us like we weren't there the entire time. 

I chose to just forgive the fact that Amber didn't talk to us. I did try bringing it up to her later and apparently she realised that she had practicly ignored us. She apologised, and I forgave her automaticly. I mean, it wasn't too much of a big deal and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay mad at her for long.

All in all, it was a great party. now, I need to get into gear planning my own Sweet 16 party.

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