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*Beep! Beep!*

That is the dreaded sound of the alarm clock going off at 5 am on Monday morning. Uggh! All the excitement of Ambers party, gone. All the laughter, gone. All the dancing, gone. The party was fun, but now I had to go right back to the old boring school day routine. I climbed out of the bed, quickly got ready, then headed out the door.

When I got to school, everyone was talking about how great Amber's party was. I stood there talking to Nealon for a while, and then I saw him. Obed was walking over here. 

"Hey! Where were you the other day? You missed a great party." I said with a smile. "I was going to go but my mom wouldn't drive me because of the rain." He said apologeticly. "Well you missed out on all the fun." I told him. The bell rang and we all went to our classes. 

I sat in front of the computer taking a test on typefaces in my Multimedia and Webpage Design class. I know I knew the answers....but I just couldn't come up with them. I couldn't focus. Everytime I would try to remember, my mind would wander and I found myself thinking of Obed. He would not leave my head! I kept imagining scenarios of us together. I thought about what our song might be, where we would go on dates, what kind of things we would talk about, what crazy situations we would get ourselves in, etc. I thought of maybe asking him to the homecoming dance that was coming up in 2 weeks, but quickly changed my mind. "There is no way he would want to go to the dance with me. I'm not his type. His type is those preppy girls with way too much makeup on. I hate those girls....they all look like clones with their same hairstyles, same clothes, same interests. It's sickening!" I thought to myself. I had decided it was better to wait and see if he asked me out first because  in my last few relationships I had asked them out first and they all ended badly. I figure that If they don't ask first, then they might not really be interested after all. That's how it seemed anyways.

I didn't have much luck focusing in any of my other classes as well. Because of it I failed my typefaces quiz, didn't complete my crosspuzzle review, didn't get crap done in drama, and spaced out during latin and got embarrased when the teacher asked me a question and I had no idea what the question was, what we were supposed to be doing, how to answer the question, or what page number we were supoosed to be on. I'm such a dweeb! Why couldn't I focus today?!

The same thing continued for days! I had thought that maybe I would just get over it and forget about it and things would go back to normal. But I was sadly mistaken. Things got way worse. Even Obed's brother, Aquiles, knew I liked him and teased me for it during drama class. I thought I was going crazy! I had never obsessed over anyone like this before. I mean, yeah there were guys I generally took an interest in...and ended up dating...and regretting it later...but this was way different. I mean, I was obsessing over this guy more than I obsessed over Marilyn Manson! (Which was a lot by the way. I know his fave vegetable, fave movie, the age he lost his virginity, where he lost his virginity, all his embarrasing moments, his near death experiance with a neighbor, his neighbor sexually harrasing him, his neighbor poisoning his dog, his dog's name, his cats name, what kind of cat he has, and lots more.) I thought I was losing my mind! I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't know why I was feeling this way. I didn't know what to think. Is this....what love is? Could it be that I had found someone I truly love? Oh Obed. Sweet, kind, sexy, muscular, tall, protective, caring, funny, tough Obed. Are you the one meant for me? Have I finally found my other half? I quickly pushed those thoughts to the side. No, it can't be love. I'm to young to be in love.....aren't I?

One evening when I came home from school, I emediately got on my computer. I had originally got on to check my email but as usual I ended up on facebook. I so desperately wanted to talk to Obed, but as usual he wasn't online. I tried to forget about him.....I really did! But, I just couldn't. I went on google images and typed in something like, "Crushing on a guy you can't have quotes."  it brought up a whole bunch of them. Most of them didn't seem to fit my situation but the ones I came across that did, I posted on facebook. I wasn't telling who it was the messages were meant for. It was just wishful thinking I guess. I was hoping Obed would maybe get online and see them in the news feed and if he was smart, he would realize that it was him I was talking about. But sadly, he never got online. 

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