Orange Juice

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For the next few days, nothing had changed much other than me and Obed talked to each other and stuff way more often. He still sat in the same place at lunch, we met at the same places at breaks, but he had started waiting at the bottom of the stairs after 4rth period to walk to the busses together. He was so sweet! He walked me to all my classes, walked with me to the busses, held doors for me, took my tray for me at lunch (on the rare occasion that I did eat lunch), and spent all the free time he had during school to hang out with me. Everything's going great!

Hailey, Obed, and I were sitting at the normal lunch table. As normal, I wasn't eating my food. Just playing with it. Obed had left to take his lunch tray, so it was just me and Hailey at the moment. I picked up an orange. 

Abby: You know what nickname my mom gave Obed?

Hailey: What?

Abby: She had started calling him Orange juice. Or just juice....depending on the situation.

Hailey: Yeah, you want that juice dontcha? Just make sure it's not orange.

It had took me a minute to realize what hailey was saying.

Abby: Eww Hailey!

We continued talking for a little bit. I was bored so I kept playing with the orange. That's when I got the bright idea to stab the orange with a fork and squeeze it. Orange juice was all over my lunch tray and my hands.

Abby: Hailey, can you go with me to the bathroom? I need to wash this sticky orange juice off my hands.

Hailey: Lol sure.

I could hear Hailey give a little giggle. Of course she would take that the wrong way. She has such a dirty mind. We went to the bathroom and I washed my hands and then stopped by the water fountain.

Hailey: Guess what?

Abby: What?

I leaned over and took a sip of water.

Hailey: You squeezed the orange till the juice came out.

Abby: *spit take* really boo? you really went there?

Hailey: yesh. yesh I did.

Me and Hailey walked back to the lunch room laughing. Obed was sitting there with a confused look. 

Obed: What's so funny?

Hailey: She squeezed the orange till the juice came out.

Again he gave a confused look. He had no idea that Orange juice was his nickname. I hadn't told him that yet, which made the situation a whole lot funnier.

Abby: you missed it Obed. It's just one of those, "you had to have been there" moments.

Obed: But, I don't get it. What so funny about sqeezing an orange?

That was when me and Hailey broke out in laughter. Hailey was laughing so hard she was crying and I was doing one of those silent laughs where you are laughing so hard that no sound comes out. He was so clueless. I was gonna tell him, but decided it would be funnier to make him wait and be curious for a while. 



Ok guys, I know this was a short chapter but It was a funny moment that I just had to add in here. It was one of me and Hailey's inside jokes that we still laugh and talk about to this day. It was just too good. If you are reading this and don't get it yourself, then you are probably too young to be reading this story anyways. You have to look at it with a dirty mind to understand the joke. And I know you might be thinking, 'i'm not too young to be reading this! what are you talking about?" Well there will be some suggestive moments and conversations later on in the story. I mean, the story is rated pg-13 for a reason. I don't know if I might have to go back and change certain chapter to R later but, we will see when I hit that point. I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Please read, vote, comment, and recomend to others. Please follow HaileyBlevins13. She is my bestie. This chapter is dedicated to her. Luvs ya boo!

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