The Homecoming Dance: Part 2

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We pulled into the school parking lot and found a parking space. It took us forever to find one because it being our school's Homecoming game, attracted lots of people who otherwize wouldn't have showed up. When we got out of the car, You could hear the music from the dance already being played. I mean, it was so loud that you could hear it on the track around the football feild. My dad payed my entry fee to the football game and I ran to find Obed. When I found him, he was talking to some of his Freshmen friends. I swear, sometimes its easy to forget that he is a freshman. 

Obed: Guys, this is my girlfriend Abby.

Guys: Hey Abby. Nice to meet you.

Abby: Hi. Nice to meet you too. 

Obed: See ya later guys.

I had absolutely no interest in watching the football game. To be honest, I wouldn't know what I was looking at. I mean, I used to be a cheerleader....but that doesn't mean I know the first thing about football. Obed and I walked around the track talking for a while. Then it dawned on me that I didn't know  little peices of information that most girlfriends would know about their boyfriends. Does he play sports?I decided I should probably ask him.

Abby: so, you going to play any sports this year? 

Obed: Well, I was going to play football but I had no way of getting back and forth to practices. I will try out for it next year though. I will do wrestling this winter and then Track in the spring. 

Abby: wrestling?

Obed: yeah. I'm hoping that I  get some muscles built up. I mean, I already have quite a bit of muscles but I really need to tone up. 

Abby: You can't possibly be as muscular as you say you are.

Obed: You wanna bet?

Abby: Actually I do.

Obed took off his faded pink hoodie and flexed his Biceps. It looked like he had 2 huge softballs on his arms. God what muscle! Then he lifted up his shirt to show me his abs. Omg I could have died right then. He then put his hoodie back on. 


Obed: told ya. you should have seen your face. your eyes got all wide. It was priceless.

Abby: hey, dont make fun of me. 

Obed: So, did you like what you saw?

Abby: Oh definately. 

This made Obed smile. Well, it was more of a crooked grin. 

Obed: So, what about you? You play any sports?

Abby: I used to Cheerlead.

Obed: Used to?

Abby: yeah. But I didn't make the squad this past time. I was screwed over. But it's ok. I didn't fit in with those girls anyways. Most of them were having sex, drinking, doing drugs, partying. And I guess I was just the goodie-two-shoes virgin that was no fun. They never seemed to like me much. 

Obed: We'll being a goodie-goodie is not a bad thing you know. Drugs and stuff like that are no fun. Trust me. You don't want to get involved in all that. My brother convinced me to get high with him once...on compressed air. It was aweful. I couldn't take it so I just went to bed and slept it off. And as for sex, I wish I could have my virginity back. I made a dumb decision and ended up sleeping with this girl. I told her that once we did that I was serious and that if we did it there would be no going back because I had thought I loved her.And I thought she loved me. She agreed and we did it...and then a week later she tells me that she might still love her ex, but she wanted to continue having sex with me. That was it. I couldn't be with her like that if she was unsure about her feelings. Turned out, she didn't love me at all. She was just using me for sex.

Abby: That's terrible. 

Obed: I would give anything to have my virginity back. I would rather have given it to someone special. Someone that deserves it. But it's a little too late for that now. I learned my lesson on that one.

Abby: I'm  sorry that happened to you. 

Obed: Don't worry about it. Nothing we can do about it now. Just remember that it should go to someone special, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Don't give it up if you don't truly love the person you are going to do it with. 

Abby: Yeah.....

We continued to talk and joke around. When the game finally ended, I called Amber to see where her and Michael were. We met up with them, and Amber's mom took pictures of all of us. Some where our boyfriends were holding us bridal style, some where we were just side by side, and some where our boyfriends held each other bridal style. Then we made our way to the old gym for the dance.

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