Halloween: The Blood Drive

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I showed up to school in my skeleton Halloween Costume. Today is actually Halloween, and I am to help work the blood drive along with the other members of our school's Beta Club. 

I walked into the Cafeteria, just like any other morning. Obed was standing in his normal spot waiting on me. I ran up to him and gave him a bear hug. He leaned in for a kiss and I gave him one happily. Afterwards, I noticed that some of my black lipstick was on his mouth. I reached up to wipe it off for him but he just said, "Leave it. It's your mark. I want to wear it proudly."

When he said that, I gave him a huge smile. He is so cute. The bell rang, and Obed leaned down to give me one more kiss before I had to go to the blood drive. I picked up my things and began searching for Amber. She was supposed to be helping us too but I wasn't sure where she was. After a little bit of searching, I just gave up and went into the gym to help the others set up. One of the teachers working the blood drive with us, assigned us to our stations.

I was told to work with Autumn, another girl in our club. We sat there at our station, bored out of our minds. Our job was to take people as needed to the questioning booth (or whatever it was called), but there wasn't anyone there yet. Then, I noticed Amber walking through the gym door. I stood up and waved my arms to get her attention. I motioned for her to come over there with us. We grabbed another chair for her to sit. 

When she came over there, she had the biggest smile on her face. "Guess what?" she asked. I said something stupid like, "You discovered that Unicorns aren't real?" She laughed and shook her head. "Slater asked me out!" she said excitedly.

Slater is this guy that Amber has been friends with for a while. At this point, I barely knew the guy. All I knew is the he was a football player. Even while Amber and Michael were together, her and Slater were close friends. He was at the Homecoming dance with us and was in our group while we were taking pictures. I had never really payed too much attention on him before, but it looks like I will have to now. Everytime Amber gets a new boyfriend or crush, I always try to talk to the guy and get to know them to make sure they are not some total douchebag and will treat Amber with the respect she deserves. I knew when Amber had started dating Michael that he was no good. Everyone knew. And even though we told Amber, she fell into his trap and ended up being heartbroken in the end. I decided that I would have to see how Slater is. I don't want Amber to have the same thing happen to her all over again.

But, I was happy for her. She had kind of liked Slater while she was still dating Michael, which was the reason she was able to get over him so quickly. And from what I have seen of Slater, he seemed like a pretty good guy overall. But that doesn't mean that I won't be watching him like a hawk. It what best friends do for eachother, we protect eachother from douchey guys.

Amber went on and on about Slater for a good 20 minutes. Autumn and I piped in every once in a while to talk about our opinions on the matter. But then, I recalled something that Amber had said just a week ago.

I looked over to her and ask, "Wait, didn't you parents tell you to wait a while before you date anyone else?" She paused for a moment and then replied, "Yeah, but I don't plan on telling them we are together for a while. And technicly, I did wait....two weeks."

This statement worried me a bit. "What will you do if they find out?" I asked. 

"They won't. And if they do, they won't do anything. The most that will happen is they fuss at me and ground me for a couple weeks." She said.

I had a very bad feeling about this, but decided to stay quiet. I didn't want Amber to get mad at me for siding with her parents or something. I dropped the subject. The blood drive started and the three of us got to work.

Amber wanted to give blood that day. She was so scared and nervous that she actually had me go fetch Slater when he was in the lunch line and tell him that she wanted him to stand in there and hold her hand while she gets her blood taken. Turned out, she couldn't give blood that day because she didn't weigh enough. I always give her a hard time about her weight. I think she may actually be underweight, which isn't good. I always say things like, "Girl, you need to eat a samich." and stuff like that. She actually went through a spell before where she was practicly starving herself. She told me this one day when she was at my house for a sleepover. I wanted to be there for her, but this was back when she had moved away from here. She had just recently moved back here the semester before. Amber and I have been best friends since 5th grade. She moved away in 7th grade without telling anyone and without giving anyone a number to contact her at. I would have called her and stuff, but the only number I had for her had been disconnected. It scared me half to death to think that I might not ever be able to see my best friend again. This had happened one time before too, when she went to Mississippi (where she had originally moved here from) and her birth father tried keeping her there in Mississippi with him and tried buying her love by giving her all kinds of things she wanted to make her want to stay there. It caused a big mess. Her dad had called and cussed me and my mom out for trying to convince Amber to come back here because here is home, here was where she belongs, here is where her family is, and here is where the people that truly love her are. It was awful for all of us. 

I try to be the best friend that I can be. Now that Amber is here, she told me that she is here to stay. I hope this is the truth. I lost Amber before, but I don't think I would be able to do it again. Without Amber, I just feel so alone. For those few years that she was gone, I told myself that I can make more friends. But, the ones I made were nowhere near as good a friend to me as Amber. My so-called-friend, Marilyn, was a real bitch to me. I was too dumb to see it though. The only real friend I had was gone, so I hung out with the only people that seemed to want to hang out with me. Marilyn always called me things like, "stupid", "dumb", "ignorant", and "overzealous". She also thought I was some sort of man stealing tramp because I dressed attractively and her boyfriend took an interest in me. It wasn't my fault. And after they broke up, she wanted me to stop hanging out with her ex because she was jealous and thought I would date him. I didn't even like him that way. He was just one of my close friends. I wasnt going to stop hanging out with him just to please her. And the next boyfriend she had, she accused me of telling him that I love him, which of course I didn't do. And know that I am with Obed, she is still on my case. I posted a loveydovey post on facebook about Obed, and she posted something of her own 2 minutes later saying something along the lines of, "it's not going to work out. It's not like you're going to get married or anything. I'm sick of all this loveydovey bullshit." I commented on her post, giving her a piece of my mind and she replied to it saying, "Should I tell Obed about how you were flirting with other guys while you were still dating Cordell? Does he know how you are?" At that point I went off. She was threatening to tell my boyfriend lies about my past.(Cordell was the last guy I was with before Obed, just so you know) I went to report her, block her, and unfriend her on facebook, but she had already beat me to it. She unfriended me?! I should be the one unfriending her! I'm not the one being a crazy bitch here!

Anyways, I havn't talked to Marilyn ever since. And as for Hailey, we weren't all that close until this year. She was too preoccupied with her bff Crystal at the time. But they had a fight or something and now Crystal has moved away. Things are going perfect for me right now. I have the two bestest friends a girl could ask for, as well as the best boyfriend, and an amazing family that supports me and all my weirdness. Can things get any better? Doubt it. It's gonna be tough to beat.

The blood drive went very smoothly. Not a single person passed out or puked. I considered that a big accomplishment. I was glad to help with the blood drive because we got to wear our halloween costumes to school, we got out of class the entire school day, it was fun, and I got to spend the whole day hanging out with my bff. 


Author's Note:

Well that escalated quickly. o.0 I got way ahead of myself in this chapter. I just went out on a rant. But, its good because I revealed a few things that can be important in understanding a bit about me and why I do some of the things I do.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This one is dedicated to my bff Amber. I love you girl!

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