"I Prefer Mexican Penis."

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School continued for the next 2 weeks as normal. There was nothing really going on....until we got to do a free write scene in Drama class.

Ricky, Amber, and I were paired up again for a scene. It was a free-write, which means it can be about whatever we wanted it to be about. I knew that if you combine me, Amber, and Ricky's brains, we could come up with something either ridiculously crazy, or controversal. That's what we wanted to do...write a scene that pushed the envelope. Or teacher really didn't mind a little cussing in the scenes as long as it didn't go overboard and you would be surprised at the scenes he let people get away with. 

So the three of us grabbed some chairs and began planning out our masterpiece. With every idea we pitched, the story unfolded more and more. Each idea was more daring than the last. We knew we had to top the last scene we did together where I played a rockstar that had died and went to hell and sold my soul to the devil to live for a few more years. 

I began typing up all our ideas on my laptop. By the end of the day, we had ourselves a scene involving prostitution, murder, rape, and drugs. Basicly, me and Amber were to play prostitutes who Ricky buys for a night and we wake up in his basement unaware of the last nights events due to him drugging us. He was supposed to rape and kill Amber and I were to sneak free. It was a perfect plan. We knew that we could pull it off. We would just have to do a lot of insinuating. 

The next day, Aquiles, who had been out of school the day before, ended up joining our scene. He wanted us to add him in as Amber and I's pimp. We agreed. With Aquiles, we knew the scene would be so much better than what it was because he isn't afriad to puch the envelope. He read over the script and helped us figure out what to say on parts we weren't so sure of. He even had Amber put a line in there where she says, "I prefer mexican penis but I can work around that." This scene was going to be so over the top and funny. I knew that we had done something that no one in our drama class had ever thought of.

We rehearsed our scene together for about a week. We ran through it so many times that we were sick of it. At one point, we ended up taking the part where Ricky rapes Amber out because for one, Ricky didn't want to have to act that out, and for two, We thought that it would be too much. After we rehearsed so much that we were sure we had it all down, we took some time to goof off. Aquiles had ahold of one of those orange traffic cones, a large one, holding it to his forehead and walking around saying,"Look, I'm a Unicorn!" Then he held it to his...uhhm....groin region...making it look as if it was a huge penis. We were all laughing and having a good time. Until Aquiles decides to just have a conversation with me.

Aquiles: So, you and my bro doing ok?

Abby: Yeah.

Aquiles: Do you love him?

Abby: Yeah, I do.

Aquiles: *loudly* Aww that's so sweet!

Abby: *blushes*

Aquiles: So uhh...why you like him? What so special?

Abby: What do you mean?

Aquiles: Is it the uhh...dick size?

Abby: No! What the-

Aquiles: Because,You know I gotta be packin more than him. I am the more dominant twin. 

Abby: What the hell?

Just then, the bell to go to evening break rang. I grabbed my things and ran to the courtyard to find Obed. The first words out of my mouth was, "Aquiles is my pimp." He gave me a very confused look so I explained all about the scene. In the scene, I am worth more than Amber is. I told Obed that I was labeled as the classy hoe. He just laughed. I wasn't sure if I should mention what Aquiles had said to me or not...so I kinda hinted that Aquiles had said something craycray. Obed called Aquiles over there and asked him what he said and he told him something relating to penis size..but it wasn't exactly what he had actually told me. Then the two of them kept talking about penises and stuff and me, being the good girl that I tend to be (on the outside, not in my head), I covered my ears trying to block out what they were saying. I tried to walk away from the two of them but Obed wasn't going to let me do that. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind keeping me in place. I tried to free myself from him, but I was too weak. So I tried just going limp. He just help me there like that, laughing. Then the bell rang for me to go to my next class.

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