The Homecoming Dance: Part 3

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We were still outside in the parking lot and hadn't reached the old gym for the dance yet, when Obed starts dancing like a maniac. We can hear the music from the dance pretty loudly and clearly from where we were. I have to say, Obed has some killer moves. I stood there laughing and watching as he continued dancing across the parking lot. I know it's kinda silly, but seeing how great he can dance made me feel....a little self conscious. I can't at all. And here he is acting like a crazy fool ready to party. I began to wonder if after the dance he might think I am no fun because I can't dance and am not as outgoing as he is. Would he want to break up with me? 

I know that jumping to this conclusion is silly. I mean, lots of people can't dance. It's not like he would just leave me because of my lack of dancing skills. And if he does, he is a total douchebag that doesn't deserve me. 

We entered the gym and I was shocked at the lack of people that actually showed up for the dance. Most of the people there were freshman.Oh, well. Their loss then. The music was extremely loud...too loud actually. We practicly had to scream to each other so we could hear each other over the music. 

We danced and laughed together. We were both just having a really good time. While we were making the most of the dance, Amber and Michael were sitting on the bleachers making out. We tried to team up and get them to get off their butts and dance with us. We could normally get Amber to dance with us for 30 seconds, but Michael didn't want to. After not even a full minute of dancing, Amber would always be right back over there with Michael. It seemed they couldn't keep their hands off each other. 

After a while, I had gave up trying to get them to hang with us. I mean, who needs em? I'm here with my boyfriend to have fun. If Amber wants to make out with Michael the whole night, that's her business. 

I reached into the pocket of my leather jacket and pulled out my cell phone to check the time. I noticed I had recieved a text message from my mom. Apparently, Amber was going to be staying the night with me tonight. I hadn't been informed of this but...I just went with it. My mom told me that Amber had all her stuff with her in a bag so everything had been taken care of. It was confusing, but oh well. 

Just then the music slowed way down. Couples around us began dancing together, swaying back and forth to the beat of the song. I looked up to see Obed's beautiful hazel colored eyes locked onto me. I smiled. His hand trailed down my back and to my waist, never breaking eye contact. I wrapped both my arms around the back of his neck. Naturally, he had to bent over a little bit due to the height difference. It didn't seem to bother him any. We swayed back and forth just like the others. He leaned in closer to me and pressed his forehead against mine. He was so close. I loved being like this with him. His lips were only a centimeter away from my own. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted it so badly. He brushed his lips against mine in a teasing manner.Once he knew what I wanted, his lips parted slightly and he pressed them against my own. The kiss was wet, and I really didn't want him to stop. I wished we could have stayed like that together forever. How did I get so lucky?

The dance came to an end and all the teens began leaving. Obed, Amber, and I all jumped into my dads truck. Obed showed my dad the way to his house. We dropped him off and then headed home. After dancing all night, I was exhausted. As soon as we got home, I set up the pull out bed for Amber and we both just passed out as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

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