The Red Haired Girl

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The first real argument that me and Obed had.....Delayne.

The day had went by like normal. Not much out of the ordinary......except for one thing. At lunch, I noticed the red jacket (faded really badly and looks pink) that Obed wore everyday....wasn't on him. In my head, I was thinking, "That's weird, he always wears that jacket. Oh well...."

So we went on like normal. We got in the lunch line and got our food and was heading back to our table. That was when the shit hit the fan.

As we turned to corner to go to the newer cafeteria, I saw the red headed girl...the same one from before. Delayne. One of Obed's Ex-girlfriends. With Obed's red (pink) jacket. On. 

I tried to remain cool as a cucumber on the outisde but on the inside I turned into a psycho black woman saying, "OH HELL NAW! HE DID NOT GIVE THIS GINGER BITCH HIS FUCKIN JACKET. WHY THE HELL DOES SHE HAVE HIS JACKET AND NOT ME?!"

Trust me.....I was pissed. But I decide not to make a scene at school in front of everyone so I hid my anger. But one thing is for sure, you do not want to make a girl mad....especially if she is jealous at the same time. NOT GOOD. Let me repeat myself...NOT GOOD! And for any men reading this...take this as your warning. 

So instead of making a huge scene, I shot the red head a death glare and walked on. During lunch, Obed and Hailey were talking to me but I was only halfway paying attention. I was trying to come up with a reason why Delayne might have Obed's jacket on. And of course I thought the worst. The jealous and possesive side of me was thinking, "He is mine bitch! Back off! Why are you wearing his jacket for? I am his girlfriend. I should be wearing it instead of you! He hasn't even lent it to me before and now I see you walking around with it? like what?!" 

I was feeling jealous and kind of hurt. But I tried to keep it from showing. 

Obed walked with me and Hailey to theater class, which we were having in the new gym that day. Hailey and I walked over to the end corner and were working on the script on our scene like we always were. When we were ready to print, I took my flash drive out of my computer (without safely removing it...because I'm a badass like that) and walked over to Mr. Martin to get him to print it off for me. 

As I walked in that direction, I noticed Delayne headed in my direction.....still wearing Obed's jacket. That bitch. I shot her a dirty look and as if she knew what I was doing...before I did it...she pretended to "just notice" that she still had it on. Then she said, "Oh this? Obed let me borrow it because we went outside during 2nd and I didn't have a jacket."

In my mind I was shouting at her saying, "Then why the fuck are you still wearing it?! 2nd ended almost an hour ago! you really needed to keep it all through lunch and now through 3rd period?! what the fuck is wrong with you! fucking ginger bitch!"

But of course on the outside, me being the good person I am, (but really shouldn't be.) I remained silent and continued to shoot dirty looks at her as I kept walking to Mr. Martin from across the gym. The rest of the day, I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about is why Obed would let her wear his jacket and why she hadn't given it back. I knew why....because she is a thirsty Ex that still wants his bod. That's the only logical answer that I could come up with. 

I waited until late that evening to finally call Obed and confront him about it. I wasn't about to bring it up at school because I didn't want it to turn into a fight. Plus we couldn't really talk in private about it. 

So when I brought it up, this is how it went down. 

Me: lunch I noticed you weren't wearing your jacket.

Obed: yeah...

Me: and I noticed that Delayne was wearing it.

Obed: (silence)

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