Random Stripping Leads To Balloon Babies

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We arrived at Hailey's party around 6:30. Her and Amber were there to greet us when we pulled into the driveway. Both of them were dressed as zombies. Amber's clothes were torn and she was covered from head to toe in fake blood and dried mud. Hailey was wearing a torn up dress with a plastic organ of some sort sticking out the front of it. They both looked utterly horrifying...and I loved it!

Obed and I climbed out of the truck and dad drove off. Hailey led us into her house and to her bedroom to talk and sit our jackets down. This was the first time I had actually ever been to Hailey's house. We were all joking around and talking about music. Amber gives me a smug look and says, "Guess what ringtone I have set for Michael." When we remained silent, she turned on the ringtone for I Miss The Misery by Halestorm. We all laugh. You see, Amber and Michael recently broke up (shocker). We had all been waiting for it to happen. His family is nuts. I really don't want to go into that mess so just trust me on that one. It was not pretty. Lots of fighting and yelling, Michael and his brother lived with Amber and her family for like a week and then his brother snapped or something. I don't even know. I think both brothers started fighting over Amber as well. Just a bunch of drama. 

Anyways, the point is that they aren't together anymore. He still was texting her and bothering her so she ended up changing her ringtone for him and later deleting his number altogether and not talking to him again. 

Back to our main story. 

We went out into Hailey's driveway where the party was being held. There was a table filled with pizza and nacks and drinks. Hailey's mom even made these pudding cup things with gummy worms and stuff. We grabbed some food. I felt like a fatty-fat-fat-fat because I ate 2 of the pudding things and 2 slices of pizza..which is not normal for me. 

They had a radio playing music off to the side. The Ghostbuster's theme song came on and we all started dancing like complete idiots. Shortly after that, we danced to The Time Warp. It was nice being able to have some time away from my parents to have fun with my friends. These moments are rare. Normally I only get to hang out with one of them and take turns hanging out with them on the weekends. And hanging out away from school with Obed is even rarer. My parent's are overprotective. (you will see that later).

We teased Amber with a fake spider that had been laying on the table. Amber is scared to death of spiders. I am too, but I don't freak out over fake ones. She does. This thing was obviously fake. It was fuzzy and had purple stripes on it. Regardless, she freaked out when we put in on her shoulder. That got a good laugh out of everyone in the room. 

After a while, I was getting cold and my legs were kinda hurting from standing all day. Obed and I grabbed some chairs and we all sat down to talk a little. The mood of the party made a sudden switch from happy and exciting, to very serious. Amber sat us down and told us about everything that had happened with Michael. She didn't show it at first, but now we could see that it was really tearing her up. Hailey and I listened intently, giving her our opinions from time to time. Obed told Amber about the girl that had used him, like he had told me at the Homecoming game. He wanted her to know that he understands how she feels and that he knows what he is talking about. It seemed to make her feel better. Amber told us things that night that were shocking and worrying but I am glad that she did. She came clean and told me things about her past that she wasn't proud of. Now Amber and I have no secrets between each-other. I made her pinky promise me that she would not keep any more secrets from me and I did the same for her. Through our conversation, I felt closer to her than ever. No matter what she had done in the past or does in the future, I don't care. We are best friends forever and always no matter what. 

After our long and deep conversation, the four of us walked out into the feild behind Hailey's house. Amber and Hailey walked faster than Obed and I. At one point, we had coompletly stopped. Obed stood in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I snuggled up close to him, burying my face in his chest. I looked up at him to see those hazel eyes once again. I stood on my tip-toes and pulled him in for a kiss. Here we were, standing in the middle of a field at night, kissing. For once this entire day, I didn't have to worry about anything. Being here like this with him seemed to make all my worries just disappear. I think to myself, "How did I become so lucky? I couldn't ask for any better". 

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