doomed from the start?.....maybe not

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I stared at my computer screen in disbelief. Is he dating that red headed girl? And she totally heard me say that I like him. This is not good. She doesn't think I'm trying to steal him does she?

In the back of my mind a tiny voice is screaming, "But you are trying to steal him! you want him to yourself don't you...well don't you? You might be over reacting. Her name starts with a D...and on his facebook page it clearly says that he is in a relationship with a different girl...and her name sure don't start with a D. get a grip girl!" But even if he isn't dating her now but he used to, drama class will be awkward from now on. She could be one of those jealous ex's. Only one way to find out....I had to ask him.

The next day, me, Amber, Hailey, and Obed were all sitting at the lunch table. Amber was going on and on about her sweet 16 party coming up and she was asking me to help her come up with a list of songs to be played at the party and to help her make out the guest list. She had about 40 different names, addresses, and numbers of people she was inviting. "What about Cameron? you have to invite him!" I practicly shouted. "Good idea!" she agreed, writing his name down on the list. "Hey what about me?", Obed asked from across the table."you gotta invite me! you'll save a dance for me won't ya Abby?" "like duh!" I respond. "You are already on the list. I made sure of that." Amber said. ' This party is going to be epic! I just know it!"

The party planning had completely removed my attention from the whole red headed girl thing.....until I saw her walk by our lunch table. Then I was completely reminded of it again.

"Hey Obed?", I decided to just be blunt with it. "Yeah?", he responded. oh it goes. "Are you dating that red headed chick?" I stare at him in anticipation. I have to know! "What red headed chick?", he asked. "The one in drama class with Hailey, Amber, and I. There was a picture of you two on your facebook page and I just was wondering if she was your girlfriend." I say. The tension build up was almost unbearable. What would I do if he said yes? What would happen if he said no? I was driving myself crazy just thinking about it. 

"Oh! You must be thinking of Delayne. We used to date in middle school."He replied. is his ex. But wait...if he isn't dating her...then who is he dating?! I casually bring the conversation in that direction by saying, "Well I saw you were in a relationship on facebook and was just assuming....." "yeah. my girlfriend goes to a diferent school. you wouldn't know her." he said. He quickly got up and took his lunch tray to the trash can.

"well, that made me feel a little bit better." I said to myself. Obed walked with us to class again and we went on to drama. 

About a week later, we were out of school for the weekend. Both of my parents were at work so I was at the house babysitting my little sister, Tori. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. I go to answer it and I find Amber's mom there. "What could she want?", I wonder. I open the door and invite her in. She began talking and it was so rushed, like she was in a hurry or something. "ok, so here is the deal," She started. "Me and Neal (Amber's Stepdad) are going to need your help. We need you to have Amber stay the night over here the night before her party. We are going to need you guys to get her dressed and ready for the party here and we are going to pay for a Limo to pick you guys up, along with 4 of Amber's other friends and take you all to get your nails done. The limo will be yours for 3 hours and then it will drop you all off at the party. sound good? Can I get you to help me out in this and keep it a secret from Amber?" She explained this all in such a rushed manner that it overwhelmed me. All I could do was nod my head. "good." She said. Then she walked out the door, got back in her car, and left. I was so excited! I was going to get to ride in a real limo!

Things for the next two weeks were pretty normal. Amber kept planning her party, Obed ate lunch with us and walked with us to class every day, I sneakily figured out Obeds number by saying that Amber needed it for the guest list, Aquiles had picked up on the fact that I like Obed, and drama class was getting weirder and weirder....

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