Chapter 24

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*** Rachel's POV ***
To be honest, I was really feeling myself today. I don't exactly know why, but I just was.
I was really excited to hang out with my group today. And Silestia.
Becky's not included, though. She's just I don't know. Annoying and I'd rather not talk to her.
And can I just say, Silestia's style actually slays my life? Like, I want her closet.
So basically there's 6 girls in the group, including me. Sam, Jordan, Silestia, me, Violet and Natasha.
Sam is the stay up until 4 am eating pizza and wake up at 3 pm kind of girl. Her style is whatever she finds. And she's Puerto Rican I believe.
Jordan is the laid back, tumblr type of girl. She always wears hats backwards, she has long straight hair and her eyebrows are just gorgeous. She's American. And, she has amazing comebacks and she's really rebellious.
Silestia, who's obviously smart as ever just like me, and they always go to her for homework. And she's also that British girl that everyone loves. You already know her.
Me, who is a plain disappointment.
Violet is the gothic one. Well, I shouldn't say that, she's more of a "You mess with me I'll drag you to your grave alive and cover you with roaches instead of dirt with no coffin" type of person. She'd never hurt me or the others though. I'm pretty sure she's American too.
And then there's Natasha. She's the only dark skinned girl in our group, and she's African American. She's the best with looks and makeup, and her eyeliner is so strong that it could kill.
Anyways, everyone considers us as the " popular group" which we are, but everyone thinks we're mean and stuck up. But we're not.
We like the idea of them thinking that, though. Because then we can get through to anyone so easily because they'd either be 1. Scared or 2. Thrilled we're talking to them.
Today I'm wearing a Abercrombie & Fitch light pink unitard ( I wear those a lot ) with fake leather shorts and thigh high black velvet boots. I curled my hair and did my brows because well, I'm the only girl in the group who doesn't have good eyebrows.
I walk to the bus stop to see Becky and Jacob walking with each other. Since when did Becky take the bus on this route? Anyways, I didn't care, I plugged in my headphones and waited for the bus.
I got on the bus and sat next to Jordan,because Becky and Jacob were sitting next to each other. No biggie, though. There's obviously more spots for me to sit.
Considering I'm "popular," when I got to school, everyone looked me up and down and made that face like "yasss queen slay" which I didn't mind. I liked being popular. It was fun.
In homeroom, everyone seemed to be a little off. Mrs. Raymond pulled me into the hallway.
"We will be getting a new student and I want you to direct her. I have already asked Mona and Taylor to switch seats to a different part in the room, so you'll be sitting in their seats with the new student."
Her? Yay, it was a girl.
Mrs. Raymond told me to sit where Taylor from homeroom used to sit. The new girl walked in.
"Hi,I'm Jordan."
I fangirled in my head. Oh my God oh my God Jordan was in my homeroom YASSS now I'm not alone.
She gave me that "I know you but I'll act like I don't because of the current situation" face and she's so smart. She knows how and when to act at the right time.
"Okay, hello, Jordan." Mrs. Raymond said. Everyone looked at her.
"I'd like you to sit in the empty seat next to Rachel."
I saw Jordan whisper, "gladly " to herself and sat next to me. She winked. This was going to be a great next couple of months.
Fast forward to the end of the day, right before Becky and Jacob's date.
*** Rachel's POV ***
Once I got home, I ran inside and began to do my homework.
*** Becky's POV ***
I was sitting in my room, doing homework, when I got a text. It was from Jacob.
Jacob - Hey come outside
Me- ok
     I walked outside to see a bunch of rose petals on my lawn.
     There was a note on my doorstep and it read:
Follow the petals. Don't worry, I'll clean them up
     Aww. How sweet.
     I was already in a decent outfit, a flower jumper and gold sandals. My hair was in good shape, so I followed the petals.
     I was at my destination when I saw Jacob.
     There was food, and lights strung around the trees. How cute.
     "Hey, beautiful." Jacob told me.
     *** Rachel's POV ***
It was only 5:30 when I was done doing homework, so I went downstairs on my couch and watched The Fosters. Jeez, that show is deep. My mom always takes late shifts on Thursdays.
I heard the mailman come, so I went outside to get the mail. I noticed rose petals on my front yard.
Me, being the curious person I am, I followed the rose petals hoping to lead to something interesting.
     Well, not so interesting when you end up seeing your best friend almost making out with your crush.
     "Hi." I interrupt. They both wide eyed me.
     "Rachel! What are you doing here?!" Becky yelled at me. Jacob just stood there, shocked.
     "Okay, well there were rose petals in my yard and I followed them."
     Becky gave Jacob a death stare.
     "The petals must have flown into your yard," Jacob said. I had tears in my eyes for some reason. Maybe I still liked Jacob.
     "Well obviously we're in the middle of something," Becky says, wrapping her arms around Jacob's neck. Jacob doesn't do anything though.
     "Okay, well I'll leave now, because apparently neither of you loved me."
     I walked away, and I tried to walk home. I heard Jacob's voice saying for me to stay, but I'd had enough, so I put in my beats earbuds on full volume to block out all sound.
     *** Jacob's POV ***
     I messed up. I want Rachel. I began to yell her name and apologize, but then I realized she had her earbuds in. I could almost hear her music.
    It all went by so quickly, but a car came while Rachel was passing the road. She must've not seen it.
     "Rachel!" I yell. She doesn't hear me. The car's about to hit her.
     She turns around and I run to her, trying to protect her. Next thing I knew, everything went black.

that escalated quickly.

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