chapter 1- welcome to beacon hills

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I didn't mean to fall for him, if I had known who he was, what he was capable of, I would have never been near him.....but no one warned me.
I didn't know the things he'd done or what he planned to do next....
I couldn't help him I wouldn't, so he let the blame fall on my shoulders which drove us to move....but yet a part of me....still finds a way to care about him.

I took the last box that belonged in our new house, we had finally arrived in beacon hills in a nice neighborhood with friendly neighbors who have already came to greet us already. I have only moved twice in my life and this time I really didn't wanna leave everything behind but he made me. Instead of finishing my last two years of high school there its now being spent here without my friends, not like they want me back now. I kicked open the front door with my foot and proceeded into the kitchen dropping the box on the ground, I sighed leaning against the counter
" that's the last one"
I said to my mom who walked into the room with a box full of our plates, bowls, cups etc.
'Ok honey"
She said shortly struggling with the box in her hands
"Here mom let me take that"
I said pushing my self of the counter hurrying over to her before she dropped the box
"Oh, thank you sweetie"
She said sighing loudly
"Your welcome"
I said placing It down with ease.
"Your getting stronger I see"
I sighed and closed my eyes knowing she didn't mean it motherly like, see the reason we're different isn't because we have flaws, we're different because we arent exactly fully human.
Me and my mom are kitsunes and not a simple sword wielding that's my only weapon kind, my can control light were as I have the power of electricity and am a werewolf on top of that but dont think just because we have powers doesn't mean we dont use swords.
my dad isn't entirely normal either although he doesn't have a power really doesn't mean he can't weild a sword so in a way he is a kitsune.
My moms eyes burned into the back of my head
"Have you been practicing controlling it?"
She pressed me, I turned around to face her
"Yes mom I have "
I said lowly not really needing this added onto my plate
"I'm just worried your never going to find others like us honey "
She said sympathy laced over her voice, I had one friend who I could open up to and that was my now ex.
"Just promise you'll be carefull and try to keep it under control "
I nodded
"Yes, can I go upstairs now?"
I asked looking up making eye contact with her stern yet worried eyes
"Ok, but please unpack the sooner the better"
She smiled but I could still see her worry
"Ok".was all I managed before walking by her and jogging upstairs opening the second door down on my right which was now my room.
I shut the door behind me and sighed examing the boxes scattered over my floor and bare bed
"well I guess I'll start with my bathroom."
I mumbled to my self grabbing the two large boxes labeled 'Mackenzie's bathroom'
And walked into my bathroom setting the boxes down I sighed opening the first one being greeted with face care, and shower things, I looked over at my phone realizing this is gonna take a long time to finish...

5 hours later

Its now 8pm and I got almost everything done in my room there's still a few things but im in no hurry I got the whole weekend ahead of my me.
I walked down stairs and into the living room where my parents sat, yes I'm an only child and dont mind it, although at times it'd be nice to have a sibling who can cover for you but yah know.
"Hey guys"
I said sitting down on the couch next to my mom
"Hello sweetie, so the school called "
She started then stopped to make sure I heard her
I said letting her know to continue she placed her book down and looked towards me
" they want you to come in tomorrow at 9am to get your schedule and a tour of the school, then after that a friendly neighbor has invited us over for a late lunch around one"
She smiled I nodded along
"Ok, which neighbor?"
I asked looking over at her again
"Um her name is Melissa she lives a few houses down "
I nodded along
"Ok, I should be back home by then I have a few things to finish upstairs and then I'll probably get ready for bed and go to bed "
I said standing up giving my parents kisses on the cheek
"Goodnight mom goodnight dad"
I said walking away hearing them say goodnight back
"And Mackenzie no playing with electricity tonight please"
My mother yelled after me, I rolled my eyes and shook my head
"That was one time "
I hollered back before closing my bedroom door behind me I sighed heavily falling onto my bed .

   I grabbed my tv remote from next to me and switched it on landing on friends I smiled and got up out of bed moving towards my closet I grabbed a few things out of a box next to me and hung them in the closet.
A quiet yell pulled me away from what I was doing since being a werewolf I can hear almost everything which is good by shitty at the same time especially when I'm trying to sleep. I walked over to my windown and pulled it open peaking my head out looking straight to my right and then my left seeing someone a few homes down a tall guy with black hair talking loudly towards someone else who I could not quite see clearly I shrugged assuming some usual guy crap and with that I shut my window and walked to my bathroom grabbing some pajamas on the way I did my usual routine which was, clean off my makeup, wash my face, put on moisturizer, brushed my teeth and usually after all that I got into bed.
I walked over to my bed and got in getting cozy under the covers, I grabbed my phone and placed it on the charger setting an alarm for 8 before placing it on my charger then onto my nightstand.
"Got a lot to do tomorrow "
I whispered to myself as I turned over trying my best to sleep.

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