chapter 2- bad idea

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It was a peaceful nights rest until my alarm went off, I groaned and rolled over picking my up my phone and pressing snooze.
I yawned loudly sighing at the end before throwing the covers off of me , I sat up and walked over to my closet.
I pushed clothes out of view to the next one before finally picking out an outfit along with some black boot looking heels. I quickly discarded my tank top and shorts from last night and quickly got dressed in my new outfit.
'Ok I have my forms, phone , bag, ok all I need is....what am I missing'
I mumble against my self as I searched my room for the one thing I needed
'Oh right'
I whispered yelled to my self as I jogged over to my night stand opening the drawer and pulling out my swords which shrink down and become to black sticks basically.
I pushed the buttons on the end causing the blades to burst out, I smiled as excitement rushed through me, if I had down this 3 years ago I would've had no control over the kitsune and probably wouldn't be here in this room, but now I learned how to control it and use it when needed. Although I still have my slip ups.
I pressed the button and shrunk them before placing them in my little over the shoulder bag.
  I grabbed my car keys off my desk and walked out of my room and down the steps
"Alright mom I'm leaving "
I yelled out, I wasn't really sure if they were supposed to go with me on this "tour " or if I just went by myself.
But since my mom isn't by my side right now I guess I'm going by myself
"Honey, did you pack them"
Her voice rang from the kitchen, its not like we dont like to say 'swords' just we've had neighbors who have thin walls and could hear us and questioned us.
"Yes, um, are you supposed to go with me or...?"
I asked peering into the kitchen seeing her over the stove, stirring something in a pot.
" I dont think so, you can go by yourself or I can come if you want "
She offered turning around to me
"Its ok mom I can do it by myself"
I smiled hugging her
"Ok, dont wonder off with anybody else that isn't your principal or teacher"
She warned pulling away from the hug and giving me a stern look knowing just what she meant
"Ok ok mom I gotta go or I'll be late"
She nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek before I jogged away to the front door
"Be safe!"
She hollered I nodded to myself shutting the door behind me before walking over to my car, I glanced up to see the same boy from last night who was arguing with someone looking over at me from his yard.
I smiled before getting in my car.

   I checked my phone before starting my car seeing it was 8:45
I mumbled to myself quickly starting my 2017 white Chevy Malibu.
I sped off to the school, lucky for me it was only 3 minutes from my house.
I parked my car front row, I quickly got out and jogged to the entrance I only had 2 minutes to spare since I got stuck behind grandma on the way here I didn't get here in 3 minutes , almost 10 minutes.
I opened the big blue door and walked in, I sauntered down the hall seeing a door marked 'principal '
I smiled to my self and knocked on the door not really knowing whether to just walk in or what
"Come in"
A light voice called from the other side, I twisted the handle and pulled it open walking in,
"Hello you must be Mackenzie "
She smiled widely standing up and shaking my hand, I smiled
"Yes that's me "
I giggled sitting down as well as she did.
  "Ok so this is your schedule, and then I will give you a tour of where all your classes are, nurses office, and the guidance counselors office. "
She smiled handing me a piece of paper with my schedule, I took it from her and read it over briefly before she had stood up and ushered me to follow her, I stood up from my chair and followed her out the door,
"Ok your locker is right here the top one at the very end of the row "
She said point to a pale blue longer at the end of the row with the numbers 214 on the top.
"Ok that's good, my last longer was dead mild and I always had to push people away just to get to it "
I laughed admiring my new locker
"Well now you dont have to worry about that"
She smiled with a laugh looking back at me,
We turned right down a hall were rooms were marked with numbers, great.
"This first door here on your right is English..."
She started and I followed along.
1 hour later
I walked out of the school the tour and everything being completely over , I walked out to my car seeing the sun peeking out. Finally.
I got in my car and sat everything down in the passengers seat before starting the car and backing out of the parking space.
I parked my car and got out grabbing all my stuff before jogging inside , I shut the door behind me and walked into the living room
I called out my voice echoing through the house
"How'd it go"
My mom yelled appearing from her bedroom upstairs a lipstick in hand
"It went great it'll take sometime getting used to but it was good"
I said placing my bag on the table next to the 'key bowl'
I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket
"Well that's good! Honey, we leave in 10 minutes "
She said as I walked up the stairs I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked at her not remembering what we had going on in 10 minutes
"For what?"
I asked as I opened my bedroom door
"Lunch with Melissa dont you remember?"
She asked turning around to me my eyes went wide
'Fuck' I mentally cursed at my self
"Yes I remember "
I nodded pushing my door further getting ready to enter
"Oh honey! I forgot to mention Melissa has a son and he's your age maybe you two could be friends he also goes to the same school as you!"
She hollered I turned around and nodded
"Ok cool I'll be ready in 5 minutes"
I hollered before shutting my door behind me "ok um dont screw this up Mackenzie you need some friends "
I whispered to my self pacing around my room "well I only have 10 minutes but told my mom 5, great "
I mumbled to myself trying to figure out what I need to 'touch' up.
"Body spray" I cheered to myself grabbing the same one I used before I left today some cranberry rose smell which was amazing.
"Ok ready"
I said looking at my makeup making sure it was ok before I pulled open my door and walked out those 5 minutes went fast.
"Ready honey?"
My mom called out I looked up and nodded
I said quickly walking down stairs grabbing my purse and slinging it over my shoulder as my mom and dad came down the stairs.
"Are we walking or driving ?"
I asked reaching towards my keys
My mom smiled grabbing a dish that was wrapped in foil I assume was for our lunch
"Wait I thought it was at one its noon"
I asked whipping around
"We moved it back "
My dad called opening the door
"I'll drive"
I called from the door following my dad out looking back at them giggling seeing them roll there eyes and laugh ,
I got in my car and started waiting for them to get in and ready to go.
I pulled into their driveway and shut of the car,
"Ok we're here "
I said getting out and locking my car ,
"Ok honey, so its just Melissa and her son Scott I dont think anyone else is here, "
My mom called walking in front of me, we walked up to the door my mom knocked softly on the door.
Part of me really hopes I can find a friend here that's like me, supernatural.
My mom always told me there are other people like me, werewolves, kitsunes, banshees, and other supernatural.
But I've only found one, and it wasn't a great outcome. Which makes me suspicious about other people .
   The door opened revealing a women with black curly hair, she smiled and greeted my mother and father.
My parents and the woman turned to me and smiled
"And this is our daughter Mackenzie, Mackenzie this is Melissa "
My mom called I smiled and shook her hand "hello nice to meet you"
I said pulling away back to my parents awkwardly "please come in"
She smiled letting us in the house I walked in as she shut the door behind me
"I also have a child ...excuse me for a minute"
She said excusing her self and walking up a flight of stairs I assumed to get her son.
A few minutes passed and she came back along with her son and a friend of his I'd assume, I remember the one with dark hair tan skin and a tattoo he was the one yelling at someone in his front yard the other night, but wait a minute he's different.
I focused on him to try and find what was different against him he seemed to notice but he acted stand offish.
He couldn't know could he? He wouldn't. Unless, is he different because he's a werewolf?.
I looked down that's what's different!
Or was this just my mind trying to make me think that because I need a friend that's 'different' too. Either now or later I'll find out.
"This is my son Scott and his friend stiles"
Melissa said pointing to the one who I assumed is a wolf and then stiles the tall awkward one.
"This is Mackenzie, David, and Angelia "
She continued pointing to me ,my dad and my mom.
"Hi its nice to meet you"
My mom said and dad as they shook there hands
"They just moved in a few houses down, Mackenzie is starting school on Monday "
Melissa started again
"Well its very nice to meet you"
Scott said, it just feels awkward honestly.
I smiled awkwardly
"Well lunch will be ready in a little while why dont you kids go hangout "
Melissa motioned onwards,
"Yeah go hangout"
My mom said I nodded awkwardly why are parents like this .
"Ok then well if you want you can come upstairs we're just playing video games "
Stiles said before heading back upstairs,
I said following them upstairs
'Dont be awkward!'
I mentally yelled to my self walking into what I assumed was his bedroom.
"Ok here's a chair, do you like video games?"
Stiles said pushing a chair towards me and I nodded sitting down
"You dont just say that 'do you like video games?'"
Scott said pushing stiles
I laughed at his shocked expression
Scott said handing me a controller
"Thanks, and yes I do occasionally like to play video games"
I said switching on the remote.
A few games later and some lunch we walked back to there room, we are surprisingly getting along.
We were playing another game when a girl walked in I turned around and looked at her, she looked towards me with a shocked expression as mine.
Kitsunes have a way of sensing another kitsune and this girl was one for sure.
"Kira this is Mackenzie "
Scott said motioning to me "hi nice to meet you"
I said shaking her hand
The room fell silent
"Do you two know each other or?"
Stiles pressed noticing the silence.
"Um "
I started but stopped my self
"Theres no way to approach this not bluntly so are you a kitsune or something?"
She asked my eyes widened as I looked at Scott and stiles
"Um, are you?"
I asked quietly to her not sure if they knew anything of that nature.
"Yes, I am and you dont need to be quiet they know this kinda stuff Scotts an alpha wolf"
She said so calmy and naturally like this is an everyday thing.
"Oh ok then um yes I am a half kitsune half wolf"
I said this all came very fast
"Ok well this escalated "
Stiles mumbled
I started now it being so awkward
"Well I mean your one of us, so welcome to our pack"
Kira cheered hugging me, I hugged her back its nice having someone who's a girl and is a kitsune, a friend.
"Wait, I mean shouldn't we get to know her first before we just invite her in, I mean dont get me wrong she's really nice, but we've had our share of individuals "
Stiles called out I nodded it's understandable.
"Ok let's not be mean she's right there"
Scott called to stiles
"Hey its understandable "
I said agreeing towards stiles
"Mackenzie we're leaving "
My mom called I looked towards the doorway,
"Be there in a minute"
I called I stood up and grabbed my bag off the floor
"Well you guys seem cool so maybe we can be friends, you dont have to put me in your "pack" right away or ever if you dont want to but it'd be nice to have some friends"
I said sling my bag over my shoulder
"Of course! "
Kira said
"Yeah, we can be friends"
Stiles said we all looked towards Scott who had yet to agree to friends
He smiled I smiled too in relief thank God.
"Ok well I'll see you around "
I said walking out the door way
"Wait Mackenzie "
Kira called out, I stopped and turned around
"Yah?" I asked looking towards her
"Let's exchange numbers "
She smiled widely
I smiled
We took each others phones and typed in our numbers
"alright I'll see you guys later bye"
I smiled waving hearing three byes.
I jogged down the stairs and towards my mom

We had gotten back home and hadn't done much so I got bored and decided to take a Walk, I grabbed my swords and put them in my jacket pocket  .
Now I'm out here on some trail in the woods, I can always find my way home.
   I was on my way back, I had found a secluded little park with flowers and a bench I didn't know if anyone had known about it but it's beautiful.
I was taken away from my thoughts by a branch cracking and a low growl. My senses heightened and I whipped around , I was met with a wolf with glowing yellow eyes, I knew who those eyes belonged to but it couldn't be, it wasn't him. I bent down throwing my hands down letting my claws extend and my fangs coming out, my eyes glowing electric blue, I growled loudly.
The wolf charged at me tackling me to the ground, I used all my strength and threw it off me , I quickly stood up and growled loudly again seeing it disappear. But something wasn't right I looked down seeing my side bleeding I groaned feeling the pain hit me almost making me drop
I cursed under my breath
"Mackenzie "
Someone called I looked still wolfed out eyes glowing still, a shadow appeared and soon came into the light, it was Scott.
"Oh my God what happened ?"
He asked walking over to me helping me up
"Well I was attacked by a werewolf, there's someone new in town besides me "
I said laughing
"Ok well let's go back to my house "
He said helping me walk to a jeep were stiles stood
"WHat happened?"
He asked pushing himself off the jeep walking over to help me to the car
"She was attacked "
Scott said helping me into the back seat
They hurriedly got in and drove to there house
"Wait how'd you guys know where I was?"
I asked holding onto my side
"Its complicated "
Scott said shortly
I looked up at the roof of the car
"Ok, well do you think going to your house is a great idea, does your mom know?"
I asked sitting up I was healing ish.
"Yes she knows, you seemed to know the wolf I'd assume it wasn't Just a normal wolf"
He asked looking back at me I sighed thinking about him it couldn't have
"It seemed familiar, but i think it was my mind playing tricks on me "
I said rolling my eyes at the thought
"Well it seemed to know you, "
Scott commented as the jeep stopped and they got out helping me out.
We got up to there room where they made sit down.
"You do realize I'll heal I'm just like you"
I said laughing
"Well still"
Stiles motioned to my already healed side
I said standing up
"Something's not right something's off "
Scott mumbled passing back and forth
I asked scrunching my eyebrows together confused
"Ok dont freak out, but this town has its way with it's new villains and something's going on, that wolf was after you but didn't really hurt you"
Scott said confusion evident "ok so what does it mean than?"
I asked waiting for an answer
"It means whoever it is knows you and there's something going on random wolf attacks isn't really common here"
Stiles said sitting down on a chair
"Ok then what do you thinks going on "
I asked sitting down as well
"Well since your one of us, I mean I think you can handle this news there's been a few attacks lately with these weird robot things that appear and take teenagers and test on them then they start acting out and then disappear"
He said sitting at a desk this sounded all to familiar just like what happened in my town  , "i know what they are "
I said causing stiles and Scott to look up at me
Scott asked focused on me
"Their the dread doctors "
I said causing them both to look at me confused  

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