Good News and Bad News...

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Happy New Year guys! So hi, Phantom here. It's been a while hasn't it?  Well, I've got news (as says the title). I currently writing this from my phone while my laptop sorts out its shit.

Okay, first the bad news, so I write on WordPad, a writing application on my laptop, then copy paste it to Wattpad and upload. As of now my laptop has refused to allow me to write and I have just had to forcefully shut it down and restart as the screen froze for several minutes.
I believe that my laptop has reached the end of its life and I am currently trying to coax it into allowing me to salvage an approximate 30-40 half written stories onto data drives. That means that I may have trouble writing because I will have no backup if I accidentally delete a Wattpad story. I am really mad right now and apologize tremendously for the massive delay. Something is corrupted on my computer but if I can salvage my stories, I will continue writing Blood and Tears. My exams are also coming up and I have some essays that need to be done (yay 12th grade) but I will try to slip in some time to write!

Alright, now some good news! On March 10th, 2017, I will be traveling to Europe! I'm so excited to travel and we are going to Dublin and Belfast in Ireland,  Edinburgh, Scotland, and London, England for a couple of days! It's a school trip, so I'll be with a group of people, but mixed together with students from Ottawa and Kingston and schools surrounding mine.

Okay, and I also apologize for being a horrible author, leaving all you wonderful readers hanging. I was in a deep hole, grieving for the one and only James 'Bucky' Barnes and Steve Rogers and their angst through Civil War. That and I was consumed reading Stucky. I'm going to Hellheim, but my friend says that we both have a reserved seat so, oh well! XP 

Anyway, it seems that my salvaging operation is complete and I now have a backup of my backup safe and sound! Hopefully I'll get the last chapter and the epilogue out soon! Thank everyone who's stayed with me and I hope you forgive me for the awful hiatus I've put us through.

Ps It's 45 stories I have on this thing. 45. Jesus, I need Jesus. ^ - ^

Phantom OUT! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(^-^)/

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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