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Katniss pov

Me and Peeta get to the wedding without much trouble.

I begin to become nervous and slowly get out of the car.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks.

"I'm just nervous I guess. Meeting your family. I mean we aren't dating dating were just on a date but still." I say embarrassed.

Peeta chuckles.

"It will be fine I'm sure they will love you!" He smiles and grabs my hand leading me to where the ceremony is going to be held.

The spot that was chosen is perfect. It looks like something out of a movie.

"It's so pretty here!" I smile.

"It really is." Peeta agrees.

"Peeta!" A mans voice yells.

We both turn to see a man, who happens to look almost identical to Peeta coming toward us.

"Rye!" Peeta smiles.

"Woah Peeta! Life's been treating you fine!" Rye smiles glancing at me.

Peeta laughs shaking his head.

"I'm Rye, Peeta's favorite brother," Rye says shaking my hand.

"I'm Katniss, Peeta's favorite wedding date." I smile, letting out a laugh.

Rye laughs, looking over at Peeta.
"You caught a funny one Pete."

Peeta nods smiling.

"I got a couple things to help dad with but we can catch up later." Rye says walking away smiling.

"See, Rye likes you." Peeta says grinning.

"Well I'm sure there's still plenty of people to convince to like me." I grin.

"You don't have to convince them." He says with a smile plastered on his face.

"Well better safe than sorry." I say, with what I'm assuming is the same cheesy smile plastered into my own face.


AN- these comments are keeping me motivated :))) I feel so happy :)))))


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