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Katniss POV

Eventually, more people show up but I still have yet to meet the rest of Peeta's family including the bride.

Soon though, the ceremony starts.
Me and Peeta take a seat in a row towards the front and wait for the wedding to start.

Our walks everyone, slowly but surely. Then, out comes Delly who looks extravagant. She wears a beautiful white dress with a sweetheart neckline and a long white train behind her.

Everyone gasps when they see her and she has the brightest smile on her face.

The groom grows pale as he looks at her but his smile doesn't falter.

The ceremony goes beautiful, and we are all invited to go to an after party which is held about 30 yards away in a large white gazebo.

Of course, me and Peeta attend. We walk over, arm in arm, and sit down in our assigned seats. Me and Peeta have been placed around a large table that contains his parents, his siblings and their dates, and the bride and groom.

Soon everyone is seated, and all the people around the table are focused on Delly, and her new husband, Phillip, who are talking about their future.

"We plan on buying that house downtown that I sent you pictures of, remember that one mom?" Delly says addressing her mother.

"Oh yes honey! That one was very beautiful. The one with the wrap around porch?"

"Yes! That's the one!"

"It sounds lovely!" Wheat's fiancé, who I learned to be called Carly says.

"It really is lovely. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It has a large kitchen and it even has a Billiard room. We plan on making it in a game room with an arcade and stuff. It's really exciting." Phillip says.

I don't say much but the focus isn't on me right now. Every now and then Peeta chimes in.

Eventually Delly and Phillip start the music and out comes the food. People are dancing and everyone is laughing and eating.

Peeta's parents turn to us both.
"So Peeta, why haven't you introduced us to your date yet?" His mother asks.

"Oh, well mother, father, this is Katniss."


I'm so tired rn rip

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