Twenty One

364 9 13

Katniss pov

Moments later, Rye and Peeta come into the room.

"There here!" One of the the many cousins yell.

"Johanna! Katniss! You made it." Rye smiles.

Johanna rolls her eyes.

"Of course we did."

"Thanks to my directions." Rye argues.

"To be fair if I hadn't of had directions I would have given up and went home."

"Well either way you made it and that's all that matters." Rye smiles.

"Yeah, yeah." Johanna says grinning back.

"Alright kids," Mallory says, breaking their gaze.

"Time for the explaining of the rules for the newer folks here."

"So if your new here, welcome to our family. We hope you all stick around through the years because if not we will probably stalk your Facebook and spend a lot of time gossiping about you. All in good fun though." The whole room fills with laughter.

"For now though, we are here for the annual Mellark family gathering. This includes all the significant others of everyone. We do it every year on this day and instead of making everyone travel out here 2 times this year, one for the wedding and one for the gathering, we all agreed it would be more convenient to place the wedding the same day as the beginning of the gathering."

"I expect you all to get along well. There's plenty of room and plenty of food for everyone." She laughs.

"We have a couple group activities for everyone but this weekend mostly consists of hanging out."

"So anyway, for the rooming situation, either couples stay in a room together, because what y'all do is your own business, or you can find someone else to pair up with."

"There are no curfews, and no room checks or anything. It's just gonna be a chill, fun filled family hangout."

"Now y'all can do whatever, there's a lake outback but I think we all know whats fixing to happen." Mallory glances at the door.

Suddenly, Rye breaks out running for the door.

"I call the master bedroom!" He screams.

Then, a stampede of people competing to get a good room starts running.

"At least I don't have to run because Rye has got me covered."

I sigh and look around. Everyone is gone.

I decide I will just get whatever room is left.

I walk upstairs, hearing the arguments that I'm sure Mallory will settle.

I peek into a couple of the rooms, looking for Annie or Peeta.

I find Annie in a larger room, unpacking with some bronze headed man.


"Katniss! I was wondering if you got trampled." She laughs.

"Hello, I'm Finnick."

"Um hello, I'm Katniss."

"Annie has told be all about you." He smiles at her.

"Annie, you never told me!" I say.

"I know, Katniss, I know. I knew you were dealing with alot. I'll tell you now. This is Finnick, I met him on vacation 2 years ago, he was a worker on that cruise I told you about. Anyway, we love each other so he quit and now he is in school to become a doctor."

"Truly charmed," I smile at Finnick.

"Your dating Peet right?"

"I guess so." I say unsure.

"Ahh one of those."

"Anyway... have you guys seen Peeta?" I say, badly wanting to change the subject.

"Yep, just the next room over." Finnick winks.

"Thanks." I smile heading towards the door.

"Not a problem."

I'm sick today :)))

Painting my nails while writing this and it is taking alot of skill.

New things coming :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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