Don't Worry About Him

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I checked my watch as I waited for Jungkook to arrive at our usual meet point for school. I'm never the first one to arrive, but he would always wait for me. I wait 5 more minutes before I sigh and head to school on my own.

I put my coat in my locker, and I see a blonde haired boy out of the corner of my eye. "Suga!"

He waves and walks over to me. "Hey, what's up?"

"Have you talked to Jungkook lately?" He looks down at his phone and scrolls a little before looking back up at me.

"The last time I talked to him was..2 days ago. Why? Something up?"

"I'm not sure, he didn't meet me to walk to school today."

"Maybe he went early."

I shake my head. "That's what I considered too, but he usually waits for me and we walk together."

"Maybe he got sick. I remember one time, he caught a cold and didn't answer his phone because he was too weak."

"That could be a possibility."

He nods and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure that's what it is. Just give him a few days and he'll be back. Don't worry too much, alright?"

I nod and head into class with Suga following behind. It was weird sitting in class considering ever since my first day, I've sat next to Jungkook.

A/N: Hmm should I post another chapter today since this was so short? Or should I wait until Friday?

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