Don't Touch Her

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I groan in pain as another fist makes contact with my stomach. I caught up a little blood in response. My arms are starting to feel numb against the magnetic bars around my wrists.

The magnetism from the bars prevent us from using our abilities. This interrogation has been going on for days now.

"Where is the book Taehyung?" She asks me again with a glared stained on her face.

"I'" She comes up to me and slaps me across my face.

"Hyung!" I hear Jungkook yell. It sounds like he's on the verge of tears.

"Where are the notes that you stole?" The woman asks me again before pulling my hair.

"Listen lady...I don't know who you are...Or what you want with them, but I'm not telling you. I'm sure you're aware of what we can do, which is why you knew to use magnetism to keep us restrained. Therefore, you should also know that the person who did this to us is a monster."

She chuckles and lets go of me. "Monster? What he's done is made your bodies into something remarkable. Why can't you appreciate that your father gave you these gifts?"

"GIFTS!? YOU CALL THESE GIFTS!!!?" One of the bigger men punch me in the stomach again.

"Hyung stop talking. Please..." I look over towards Jungkook and I see the tears fall down his face.


She then starts walking over to his side. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH-" Another punch to my stomach, making me groan in pain.

"Stop it!" Jungkook screams as he pulls on the bars around his arms. She cups Jungkook's chin and turns his face towards her.

"Jungkook, you were always the good one weren't you? Tell me where your brother put your father's the notes."

"He's not my father." Jungkook says as he looks at her with a glare.

"Really now? Because that's not what Y/N believes."

Jungkook and I both look up at her in shock. "How do you know her?" He asks her in fear.

"Let's just say...we've met a long time ago, and have an interesting past together." She says before chuckling and taking a step back. "You boys still don't use your heads."

"Don't hurt her..please.." Jungkook says while looking at the floor.

"Then tell me. Where are his notes?"

"I don't know!"

She rests her hand under his chin. "Hm..maybe Y/N knows?"

"No!" Jungkook yells as he yanks on the bars around his wrists.

"Then one of you better tell me where those notes are."

Jungkook looks over to me with pleading eyes. "Hyung, please.."

"Jungkook, if she gets those notes for all we know she'll do the same thing he did to us to her!"

"Well I guess that's settled then." She snaps her fingers. "Go get the girl."

"No!! Leave her out of this!!!!"

The two men leave the room and she turns back to us. "I wasn't even going to involve her, but you've left me no choice~ You've brought all the pain she'll experience just because you were too stubborn to cooperate."

A/N:Here's another update since the chapter on Wednesday was pretty short.

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