Don't Hurt Her

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I slowly open my eyes and proceed to stretch, but I can't. I quickly look down and notice that I'm tied down to a chair. "The hell..."

"Hyung!" I look a little further and I see Jungkook and Taehyung chained up to these white upright lab tables.

"Jungkook...Taehyung..what is going on?'

"Hyung we don't have much time before she comes back."

"Before who comes back?"

"We don't know who she is, but we're postive she's connected with our old foster father." Taehyung says in a monotone voice.

"That piece of sh*t!?!? Wait, why the f**k am I hear then!?"

"She's using you and Y/N as a bribe to make me tell where the notes are."

"Ughhh, how did she even find you guys?"

"That's not important right now, we need to get out of here."

"Can't you two use your powers!?"

"Don't you think if we could we would've!? The locks use magnetic waves that disrupts the signal to our brains. No signal, no powers."

"Well it looks like you've studied well Taehyung." A female voice says interupting the conversation. We all turn our heads to a dark-browned haired women.

Something about her eyes makes her look familiar.

"Glad to finally make your acquaintance, Min Yoongi."

"You! Release us now!! Jungkook and Taehyung want nothing to do with you and I wouldn't either knowing that you know their foster father!"

She chuckles and tilts her head. "But if I release you now, who's going to save Y/N?"

"Y/N...What did you do with her!?" Jungkook asks while yelling.

It's weird...I never seen Jungkook this upset before. Not even when I'd steal his song lyrics here and there.

She chuckles again and turns her attention to a control pad on her desk. She presses a few buttons, and a tv emerges from the wall.

"Let's just see, shall we?" She presses a button on a remote and on the screen appears a girl tied to a chair and blind folded.

"Is that-"

"Y/N!" Jungkook yells in shock.

"Oh, she can't hear you Jungkook. So don't waste your breath. But let's turn up the volume."

- Jungkook P.O.V.
Suddenly I'm able to hear her voice, and she sounds so scared. "I-Is someone there? P-Please... let me go." I notice tears falling from under the blindfold. She was crying.

"I want my father..."

"Y/N...." Seeing her like this reminds me of that day I cried for my father, my mother. That day that man turned my life into hell.

"Glad we've come to an understanding." The women says with an annoyed look on her face. "Tell me where the notes are, and I'll let the girl go. As well as the boy."

"Wait, what about their freedom!?" Suga Hyung asks angrily.

I look toward him and shake my head. "If she truly is somehow connected to our foster father...he's not going to let us go again."

"Jungkook's right Suga, it's better if I just tell her where the notes are now before you or Y/N get hurt."

"Taehyung! I can't let you-"

"It's okay Hyung..he'll keep coming after us if we try to run away again. So there's no point." I'm barely able to say before I start tearing up. "I don't want it to be my fault you get hurt Hyung.."

"Good boys. Now where are his notes?"

"They're in my room, back at the house. They'll be on my bed." Taehyung says in defeat. She picks up her walkie takie and repeats the information she was just given.

- (Timeskip) Mystery Woman P.O.V.
"Mam, we've have been unable to find the notebook with the location given." A voice says coming through my walkie-talkie. I turn around slowly and glare at Taehyung.

"B-But I swear!! That's where they're supposed to be!"

"You leave me no choice Taehyung." I pick up my phone and dial his number. After a few minutes he picks up. "You may come in now."

"Lady I swear, I'm not lying."

"He was going to have to come in either way, so it doesn't matter."


"You'll see."

- Y/N P.O.V.
Why does it have to be so cold in here? Wherever I am...I wanna go home...

I hear a door open to the room I'm in and I hear footsteps get closer. "....Are you the person that sent those people after me?" The person stops in their tracks and there's no response.

"Please...let me go. Yoongi as well please. We just wanted to find our friends." The person starts walking again and they keep getting closer until I feel the body heat from the other person.

"Please don't hurt me.." I let out, that's barely audiotable. I sense hands moving around to the back of my neck and I feel the blindfold get loser until it drapes down to my neck. I open my eyes and...I can't believe who I'm seeing.

- Jungkook P.O.V.
"Is that Jimin!?!" Yoongi Hyung yells beating me to it.

"Who's Jimin?" Taehyung asks completely oblivious.

"He goes to school with us..."

"But why is he here?"

"I guess you could call him my step-son." She answers.

"Y-Your what!?"

- Y/N P.O.V.
The boy starts tearing up and I can only sit there and watch him break down in front of me.

"Why did he have to want you this badly? I should've never spoken to you that day."

"What are you talking about Jimin?" He tenses up and looks me dead in the eye.

"Please..don't call me that,
h-he might come back."


"I-I can't tell you, he wants it to be a surprise. Y-You're his gift."

"I-I'm what?" I ask the boy before me making sure I heard him correctly.

Suddenly his composure changes and he pushes his hair back, so now his hair is out of his face.

"You're mine, and you belong to me."

"J-Jimin, what's going on?"

"My birthday is coming up soon. I told Jihee I wanted a girl, but not just any girl." He smirks and glides his thumb over my lips sending shivers down my spine. "I wanted you."

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