Don't Explain It To Him

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"Why...why are you here?" Jungkook asks him as he just stands in the doorway glaring at that woman.

"This is my home if you don't recall." He says as he adjusts his glasses. "I should be asking be asking you three the same thing. You boys shouldn't be here."

"DON'T YOU THINK WE F**KING WANTED TO COME BACK TO THIS HELL HOLE!?!?!??" I yell at him as the memories of the past rush in.

He sighs and his frown deepens. "That wasn't my basic reasoning Taehyung."

- Jimin (Chim) P.O.V.
I feel a sharp pain on my lips and bring my fingers to them, but quickly pull them away feeling more pain from my touch. I look down at my fingers and notice blood on it.

I feel a wave of panic start to come in and my hands start shaking. "W-Why is my lip bleeding!? W-What did you do!?"

"Y-You kissed me s-so I bit you."

"I-I, n-no that wasn't me. I-I mean it was my lips b-but-"

"Jimin, what's going on?"

"It's him! It's all him I s-swear!"

"Jimin, what are you talking about!?"

- Yoongi P.O.V.
" do you know Jungkook and Taehyung." I ask him already familiar with the answer.

Before he can say anything, Taehyung interrupts. "HOW HE KNOWS US!!? I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU HOW THE F**K YOU KNOW HIM!?"

"W-Well he is Jimin's father, and I have been to this house multiple times. So I kind of..met him."

"Did you turn your new son into a freak too!?! Is that why his mind is f**ked up!?!"

"YAH! I understand that you are upset with me because of what happened when you guys were little, but I will not sit here and let you disrespect Jimin like this.

Yes what I did in the past was a horrible thing, but there are two things that you need to know about that."

"What." Taehyung asks with a questionable glare plastered on his face.

- Jimin (Chim) P.O.V.
"M-MPD?" She asks me in fear. I nod slowly not looking at her.

"A-And his name is Jimin too, b-but you have to be called Chim Chim because he hates being associated with you?" I nod again.

"But I still don't understand, what does he want with me?"

I grimly look up at her and sigh. "Because the first thought that I had when I saw you was that you were cute. Jimin likes to make me miserable in any way possible. So he's trying to make you his."

"Oh my gosh..."

- Yoongi P.O.V.
"That women over there," Mr.Park points to the lady standing by the machines. "she tried to kill you two when you were younger."

"What?" Jungkook asks in confusion and he looks over at her. "We don't even know her!!"

"Oh but I'm all too familiar with you boys."

"Anyway the second point is what I did that back was to protect you from her."

"Bull." Taehyung says straightforwardly.

"He's not lying." We all turn our attention back to the woman. "When Jin over here said he wanted to adopt kids, I told him no."

"Then we got into a big argument about it and divorced." Mr.Park chimes in. "After that, I went to the adoption center and got you boys. You probably don't remember because she would always throw a sleeping bomb through your window and knocked you guys out, but she would come to me asking for money."

"Because you left me dead broke after the divorce!"

"You were not broke! You took half of my earnings and spent it on materialistic bull sh*t! Then you kept coming back for more when you ran out!"

"Wait wait wait, that still doesn't explain why you-"

"I was getting there. After the last time she asked for money, I decided it was time to move somewhere else because I didn't want to expose you two to people like her. So one day I had brought a few empty boxes home to pack up our things in."

"Luckily, I came just in time to keep him from doing anything rash." He sent her a death glare, but kept his mouth shut. "I threatened to kill you boys if he moved away. I even had my bodyguards with me."

"Finding that out...I was stuck. I didn't know what else I could do. I stopped inventing things and focused more on how I could save you boys."

"During that time he didn't get any money, which was a bad thing for yours truly."

"So she made me experiment on you two..."

"Or I would kill you personally."

"When I built that machine, Taehyung, Jungkook, I swear on everything I never made it to kill you two. The purpose was to give you strength so you could fight back on your own. As soon as we were free from her presence, I was going to reverse the affects and we were going to live normal lives together.

- Y/N P.O.V.
"Jimin, you have to let me out."

"Sh-Sh you can't call me that."

"You can't continue to let him control you like this."

"Y-You don't know what he's capable of."

- Taehyung P.O.V.
"Mr.Jin.." Jungkook starts as he tears up.

"....Let's just say I do believe you." I hold back my tears. "Why did you never come after us after we ran away?"

"It wasn't safe yet." The woman chimes in again. "He knew that I was still after you boys so if he went after you two right away, he'd be leading me straight to you."

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