Don't Seperate Him pt.2 (F)

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"One fish...two fish." I say pointing to the different types of fish on the book page. Bun Bun is close next to me as I lay down on the carpet resting my chin on my hands.

"Whatcha doing baby?" Youngjae, one of the older kids, ask me as I flip through the pages. I ignore him because I know all he wants to do is tease me. And Taehyung told me if he's not here and someone messes with me, "Try to ignore them until they go away."

"Aww is the baby trying to read?"
He snatches the book from me and holds it up high. "Aren't you gonna ask for it back?"

While shaking my head, I sit up and pull Bun Bun into my lap. I hear him click his tongue and next thing I know, the book is on the floor and Bun Bun has taken its place in air.

"Give it back!!!" I quickly jump up and stand on my tippy toes, stretching my tiny hands as far as I can to try to get back Bun Bun.

"Nah, I think I'll keep it." My eyes go wide at that and I shake my head vigorously.

"NO!" I run at him and push him down to the ground. I start slapping and hitting his chest as hard as I can. But I'm too weak...

He throws me off his chest and picks me up by my collar. He closes his hand into a fist and I close my eyes waiting for the worst to come.

"YOUNGJAE, GET YOUR HANDS AWAY MY LITTLE BROTHER RIGHT NOW." Tae Tae Hyung yells, making me jump a little. Youngjae quickly lets me go and stares at Tae.

I cough as I try to breathe. Tae Hyung comes over and stands in front of me with his arms spread out. "Leave now before I get angry."

"Tck, see you later baby. You better be lucky your brother came to save you."

"Yah!" Taehyung yells at him, then he walks away. Hyung turns around and looks down at me. "You okay Kookie?"
He extends his hand for me to grab. I nod and take his hand. I look at the floor glumly.

"Thank you Hyung.."

"What's wrong Kookie?" Then he gasps and gets angry. "Did Youngjae hit you before I got here!?!" I quickly shake my head.

"Did he hurt your feelings?" I shake my head again. "Well then what's wrong? You can tell your Hyung."

"Hyung...I'm weak. If I was strong I wouldn't need your help against bullies like Youngjae. I'd be able to fight them on my own!"

He chuckles at me and walks over and picks up Bun Bun. "One, I told you no fighting. Two, I also told you don't need to be strong to take down your enemies Kookie. Brains-"

"Are superior to strength, I know I know."

He comes over and hands me Bun Bun. I hold him tightly in my arms and Hyung pats me on my head. "I'm sorry for times like this Kookie. I always try to get here as early as possible when school ends."

"I wish I could go with you Hyung..."

"I know Kook, but you're still only five years old. You have to go to little kid school."

"But Hyung!! You're eight, and you go to the big big kid school."

His smile gets smaller and he sighs.
"I know..I'm sorry I never should've taken that test. My teacher said it would be good for me...I should've thought of what was good for you."

I shake my head and hug him with Bun Bun still in my hands. "N-No Hyung it's okay don't be sad! I think it's cool that you're really really smart. I just wish I could catch up..."

"I know for a fact you don't have to catch up Kookie, you're really smart and you can read really well for your age. I'm sure you just need the chance to be given to you."

"Perfect!" A voice says interupting our conversation.

We both look towards the door and see a tall brown haired man with black rimmed glasses. He walks over to Taehyung and picks him up.

"How old are you little one?"

"I-I'm eight."

"You're a very smart for such a young age! How would you like for me to adopt you?"


Hyung is going to leave...He doesn't want to stay with me anymore. I feel the tears start to come in my eyes.

- Taehyung P.O.V.
I hear sniffling, so I look towards Jungkook and he looks like he's getting ready to cry. "N-No Jungkook I wasn't going to-"


I quickly move out of the man's hands and go over to him.

"Kookie don't cry." I say has I rub his head.

"!!!!" He says in between sniffs.

Suddenly the man walks over and picks Jungkook up in his arms. "Hey hey little man, no need to cry." He takes his thumb and wipes Jungkook's tears from his eyes.

"' Hyung."

"I see..what's you're name?"


"Well Jungkook, Taehyung, would you like me to adopt both of you?"

"W-What really!?" I say in disbelief.

He nods and pats Jungkook's head before putting him back down. "You're bond is something I wouldn't want to tear apart. So if it's okay with you two, I would gladly take you both in."

Jungkook and I stare back and forth at each other and then the man.


"Yes please sir! I promise I'll be a good boy and eat all my vegetables." Jungkook says while giving the man a bunny toothed smile.

"Hey! You don't eat them when I ask you to!"

The man chuckles and takes out some papers. "Since I wasn't planning on taking in two kids, I have some extra paperwork to fill out. But boys, please do go and pack your things."

"O-Of course." I managed to stammer out. Jungkook snatches my hand and pulls me upstairs heading to our room. We quickly pull out our suitcases and lay out our things on our beds.

"Hyung, we finally get to go home!"

"I know you're excited Jungkook, but don't get ahead of yourself. Remember, he can always send us back here." He puffs up his cheeks and picks up his stuffed rabbit.

"Why can't you just let me enjoy it for a little Hyung?"

I chuckle and rub his head. "Sorry Kookie, your Hyung just likes to look at all the options."

"Well, as long as I get to stay with you, I don't care where we are Hyung."

I look down at him and smile. "Same here Kookie."

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