Don't Save Him

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Jihee snickers and places a hand on Jin's shoulders. "Heed your father's words and leave."

In a split second, Jin pushes Jihee down to the ground and runs over to the control panel.

Jihee gets up and prepares to charge at Jin, but he holds up two wires. "Don't take another step."

"Is that supposed to scare me? Give up Jin."

"No, you should be the one giving up."

"And why's that?"

"These wires are pretty stable on their own, due to the chemicals I infused in them. But if I were connect them, they would become completely unstable. Causing a massive explosion."

"You wouldn't dare. That would kill you and these brats."

"That's why you're going to let them all go."

"Jin no!"

"It's okay Taehyung, I know what I'm doing. Take your brother, Jimin, and your friends and get out of here."

"We can't let you die like this..."

"If I don't kill myself and Jihee, then she will keep coming after you boys and make your lives a living hell. Even if I were to stay here for the rest of my life."

"You're not joking are you!?! You'd really kill yourself for these brats!?!"

"What you call brats," Jin Hyung looks over to me, to Taehyung, and then to Jimin, "I call my family."

"Dad..." I let a tear fall down my cheek.

"Taehyung, you might want this back." Jin tosses Taehyung his old notes and smiles. "I hope it's something in there that'll help."

Hyung looks like he wants to cry, but he holds back his tears and nods.

"Give that here you brat! Jin how could you be so foolish!?!"

"Taehyung," Jin says ignoring Jihee. "get everyone out of here safely."

Taehyung nods again and takes my hand. "We have to go Kookie."

"But Hyung-"

"Kookie, this is what dad wants...We didn't listen to him when he was only trying to save us. We should at least listen to him this one last time."

I start sobbing, but I slowly nod. When we walk out the door, I swear I could hear dad crying...When we get outside, we all turn around and look towards the building.

I notice Y/N crouch down and hug her knees. We all look towards her, but I'm the one that walks to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?"

She lets out a sigh and nods. "I understood from a young age that my mom...was a bad person, but I never thought she would go out to do something like this...I'm so sorry Jungkook. To all of you, and it's my fault you guys are gonna lose your father. If only I didn't have that book.."

"I don't think it's over yet." Taehyung interjects.

"What do you mean Hyung?"

"Well I just scanned through the book again and I landed on a pretty interesting fact about the machine that gave us our powers."

"What is it?" Y/N and I quickly get up and walk over to him.

- Taehyung P.O.V.
I quickly flip to the page and hold out the book in front of everyone. I point to a recent scribble I found in the upper corner of the page.

"What does it say?" Jimin asks as he trys to look closer.

"It says 'ability to reverse time'."

"Reverse time? We can do that?"

"Apparently, I'm guessing Jin thought of it to reverse the time before Jihee found us and made Jin experiment on us. He must've just wrote it too because this is my first time seeing this and I've look at this page a least a thousand times."

"Okay, so what does that mean?" Yoongi asks confused.

"It means we can stop-"


A big explosion happens from the building we were just in. Causing a massive fire to spread out through the building.

"FATHER!!!!!!!" Jimin and Jungkook shout in unison. Jimin falls to his knees and Jungkook starts running to the building.


He turns around and I see the tears fully falling down his cheek.

"Hyung..." He runs back to me and embraces me in a hug.

"Listen to me Jungkook, we can reverse this. Just like Appa said in his notes."


"We just have to sing together."



Another explosion erupts from the building.

"Let me go with you." Jimin gets up and runs to us with tears clear in his eyes. "Please...."

I nod towards him and look towards Yoongi. "Take care of Y/N while we're gone." I look towards Jungkook and Jimin. I put the book in my pocket and hold out my hands.

"Give me your hands." They both sniffle a little, but nod and put their hands on top of mine.

"What do we have to sing?" Jimin asks in confusion.

"....Dad actually thought that through too. We all had different songs we sang when we were little. All we have to do is sing a part from them."

"O-Okay, what was my song again?"

"Begin, and mine is Stigma. Jimin?"

"It's called Lie."

"You remember it?"

He nods slowly amd clears his throat. "Just enough."

"I'll start then." I clear my throat and begin.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my brother. Even if I try to hide it, it won't go away, whoa. So cry..please dry my eyes."

A neon green circle forms under us. I look at Jungkook and he gulps, but starts.

"When I was fifteen..."

A red circle appears above the green one.

"I had nothing."

At that the circles fuse together and a burst of energy shoots out of it. I look up and turn to Jimin. "It's your turn."

"Caught in a lieee. Find the me that was innocent. I can't free myself from this lie, give me back my laughter."

The finally circle appears and this one is a neon blue and it fuses with the other two circles. Sending out a massive amount of energy.

"Jungkook, Jimin, don't let go." They both nod and at that, the lights from the circles engulf us.

So this is the last chapter of Don't!! Thank for reading this far! I'll post the Q&A chapter in a moment, but just to clarify things because I was asked this in the last chapter, there will most definitely be a sequel to this.

I already knew I wanted to do a sequel with this book from the beginning so I will! 😊

Again thank you for reading this book and please be paitent for the sequel!

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