shining, shimering, oh la la!

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3rd person pov
They woke up early and rushed to the airport where they were the only ones in first class, because joker wouldn't let anyone else get a ticket. Once they were relaxed and Harley stopped throwing up they fell back asleep, joker played with her hair and rubbed her stomach. He never thought he'd have this, even before the chemicals he was always lonely, they all thought he was a freak, all through school he was picked on, then went home to an alcoholic father, not knowing where his mother was he couldn't leave. He soon drifted off along with Harley, this was going to be a long flight but they were both Ok with that.
Harley woke up to some turbulence, and screamed, joker shot up holding on to her lookin around to see who threatened his queen and their baby, seeing nothing he calmed down and looked at her confused.
"The turbulence scared me" she shrugged obviously still scared
"Oh poo, are you Ok?" He said holding on to her making her giggle
"I'm fine Puddin" she Nuzzled into the crook of his neck making him chuckle, "I'm hungry" she said looking up, joker pushed the button and someone shakily walked in and asked what they wanted, they decided to have a little fun sharing an evil smile, they messed with her telling her all kinds of fucked up things and then laughing
"We're joking toots relax" joker said with a smile, Harley then ordered a chicken salad and asked for a white chocolate sauce on the side and the lady gave a confused look then shook it off. I asked for a normal chicken salad then she walked off. "Hey pumpkin, maybe we should start discussing names" he suggested slightly tickling her
"Ok, I was thinking JJ, for joker Jr. If its a boy, which I'm pretty sure it is" she said and looked down at the stomach
"How about Lucy for a girl" I said and kissed the slight bump that made her look like she ate a big meal when she didn't, she giggled
"I like that Puddin" she smiled and the lady came back with out food and ran out. They spent the rest of the flight flirting and kissing, and loving each other. When they landed joker had arranged for a limo to drive them around the whole week they were in Paris, Harley was excited to have this wonderful time in the city of love, with the one man that she couldn't live without.
Jokers pov
When we got to the hotel Harley looked out the window and saw the Eiffel tower and she was smiling so big, I love her smile it has such a baby like nature to it. It was still kind of early so we decided to walk around, we stopped to look into every store. She was such a little kid about everything and I love it

******a/n sorry, this is really a filler*********

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