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Scarlett's cold fingers slid their way up my thigh from the passenger seat, making me lose any focus I had on properly driving. She seemed to do that a lot.

"Could you at least wait to fuck Tyler until we get to the party, please?" An annoyed Ryan snarled over at Scarlett, referring to the fact that she'd been breathing down my neck and mumbling random promiscuous words in my ear the entire car ride.

Scarlett sulked in her seat, picking at her nails as she glared to Ryan from the side-view mirror, "No one said you had to come tonight, darling."

"You're right, but the last time we left your little boyfriend alone for the night he ended up with some coked-up whore. I'm just here for precautionary reasons, darling," Ryan shot back a fake, cold smile towards Scarlett. Immediately she'd quieted down.

Josh held tightly onto Ryan's hand, trying to settle her by shooting an unpleased look in her direction.

I tried to step in to lighten the situation, "She doesn't mean that, Scar. Let's just relax and release this weird, awkward tension. We're here to have fun, okay?"

Both girls nodded defeatedly from their seats.

As we pulled into a legal parking area, I quickly gave myself a little pep talk before leaving the car. I was starting to care less and less about everything as the days passed. I was getting used to this lifestyle of partying all night and not remembering a damn thing in the morning.

I was losing interest in all the things that mattered to me the most months ago. We haven't worked on the treehouse in a week and a half, I haven't written in my journal at all this month, I haven't tried to even contact Rose once after our break up.

I was beginning to lose myself.

"You're over-thinking just like you always do. You don't need Rose to give you attention or affection, that's what Scarlett is for. Who gives a shit about that old journal or that useless treehouse anyway? Be a little destructive for once."

He was right. I couldn't be caught up in some bullshit that would mean nothing to me later on. Rose was out of my life now. She's probably met some guy that's taken far better care of her than I ever had. He's right, she deserved better than me from the start. I was useless anyway, so why stop with the stupid choices now?

Confidence overcame me as we all stepped out of the car, making our way up the driveway of some tiny semi-detached house. Smoothly, I slid my hand down Scarlett's back as she led us inside, greeting the familiar faces she'd known.

Not even minutes into setting foot inside, it already seemed that everyone here had been off of something, the majority being faded off weed, however, some people were slouched over on tables snorting up that white substance I was beginning to know too well. This was all unsurprising enough.

A tall, slender girl with thin, jet-black hair approached us suddenly, wrapping her skinny arms around Scar in a tight embrace. She'd looked much older than us, perhaps in her late thirties, but that could've just been the drugs or alcoholic effects. It appeared with one slight wrong touch you'd break her bones entirely.

I tensed as her sickly eyes wandered onto me, and I began to feel uncomfortable. Her ill presence was enough to throw me off guard until she'd embraced me tightly as well.

"What a little delight this boy is, Scar. Baby, you did yourself a fine job with this one," She applauded Scarlett, who'd already begun downing a shot. Her finger jabbed into my torso as she was referring to me.

Sincerely, Tyler  ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)Where stories live. Discover now