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"Rose, it was so absolutely terrifying. I remember going into the bathroom and my body shaking so prominently because I had been so nervous. You know I had been keeping clean for years, so the fact that my mind would just crumble out of pure pressure completely messes with everything I had come to believe in those good, healthy years of mine.

I couldn't understand why he was in my head again, but, at the same time I could understand the little holes of insecurity where he may have peaked through. I'm not sure if you remember, but I did overhear that one conversation you and Ryan had about me and my journal -"

Rose gasped in shock, her hand clasping her mouth as her eyes began to squint up in tears, "Tyler, I'm so absolutely sorry you had to hear that. I-I shouldn't have even been in that conversation with Ryan. I completely disagreed with her and Josh did as well, and now I feel so awful because I know it must have hurt you hearing all of that. I just can't believe -"

My hand held hers tightly, reassuring her as she began to start rambling on, "I know you defended me, Rose. The conversation itself wasn't necessarily that big of a deal to me, until I had begun overthinking it all and this small voice just started in my head, talking about how Ryan was right, and how pathetic I was for relying so much on my journal. He was telling me that I didn't deserve you, which he's not wrong about -"

" - Never say that, ever again," Rose cut in, her head shaking angrily out of frustration as she squeezed my hand in comfort.

"I'm sorry, I know you get upset when I say things like that. But he just started making me believe that you did deserve someone who wasn't so...different. From his words came my own thoughts, that weren't even really my thoughts, but more so ones derived from him. That's when things began to get negative, and spiral out from my grasp, because it wasn't only him that was against me, I was against me now, too.

When things took a turn for the worse, I decided I should end things with you, because he told me that if I didn't he would come after me even harder than he already had been. Those nightmares I would wake you up to, they were about him. The reason I ended up in a cell was because he led me to it. I left you, because of him," I explained, my chest rising and falling rapidly as his cruel words engraved into my mind had flooded back into my memory.

Rose's mouth hung open slightly, her eyes staring so deeply into mine that I would've believed she could see right through my skull. Her lips began to quiver, but her fist tightened as she held herself together. Her hands found their way behind my neck, and she pulled my head into her chest so gently and lovingly.

My arms wrapped around her torso as my body shook with an overwhelming feeling. Now, Rose and I had no secrets between us, and I couldn't have regretted not telling her sooner.

"Shh," She cooed softly into my ear as I whimpered against her, "Why don't you sing something for me, yeah? That usually calms you down. I haven't had my own personal concert in a while, you know."

I laughed through my sniffling. Rose's cold fingers found their way to my eyes, wiping them of their sadness. "I'll wake Mila and her scary boyfriend."

Rose shrugged, her legs wrapping around my waist as we sat comfortably on her small bed. She knew it always made my head spin when she would do that to me.

I'd given in, "What would you like to hear, my love?"

She clasped her hands together, her hands gripping onto both of my shoulders as she hummed, thinking to herself.

"Johnny Boy."

I groaned, not surprised at all with her decision, "How did I know?" My eyes rolled sarcastically as she pouted at me, "Please, Ty. It's my favourite."

"Really? I didn't even have a clue!" I wailed sardonically, my fingers drawing circles on her bare legs to draw me away from the idea of losing her touch. Rose's eyes wandered on my face, enrapturing herself as she waited patiently for me to begin. I taunted her, opening my mouth and looking excitedly at her but never actually singing. I'd done this twice now to really get on her nerves.

She hit my chest softly as I had made her think again once more, "Tyler! Sing!"

I sighed, my body falling back onto her pillows as I closed my eyes shut. I made sure to never lose contact with Rose's body, though. I knew I would get anxious if I couldn't feel her on me. I breathed in deeply, the crevices on my forehead protruding as I relaxed myself.

"He stays home from work this time,
He never really told his wife,
He never really told a lie but this time he decides that it's alright."

A smirk emerged onto my lips as I could hear Rose's gentle voice singing quietly along, just like she always did.

"He is falling in love,
He knows it's enough
And the world looks down and frowns..." I waited for her to sing the chorus, knowing it was her favourite part. Then once she did, I joined along and focused on our entirety at that exact moment.

I could feel my heart skip once I opened my eyes and realized that Rose had been looking towards me as she sang, 'You're my pride and joy,' her head falling onto my chest as she embraced me tightly. In the midst of this, my mouth had fallen shut.

"Why'd you stop?" Rose's body shot up as she looked to me in utter confusion. I had finished gathering enough energy to continue the song as I had taken my own moment to admire the beautiful artwork that sat in front of me.

"I love you, Rose," The words managed to blurt out from my mouth abruptly, taking Rose by surprise. She seemed to be checking for any indications that for some insane reason I would possibly be lying, until she stuttered out, "I love you, too, Ty."

Immediately I wrapped my arms tightly around her, kissing her forehead as I tucked her into the thick bed sheets with me. Her leg wrapped around my side as I felt our lips meet suddenly. It felt like a fire had burst in my heart as she held me so tightly in her embrace.

Her finger found the light switch, flickering off the fluorescent bulbs above us and leaving us to a dark atmosphere.

"Hey, Rose?" My eyes met hers, she nodded eagerly and I continued, "You always manage to make me feel okay. Just being in your presence makes me think that I am unstoppable against anything, that's just how safe I feel with you."

The lovely wrinkles around her eyes tightened as she smiled so brightly at me, her face brightening even in the pitch black room.

"I'm glad, Tyler."

Sincerely, Tyler  ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)Where stories live. Discover now