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The nerve endings in my hand had gone numb as my fist collided with the bedroom door after hearing the ultimatum that Mila had emplaced onto Rose.

"Fuck!" I shrieked, my shoulders rising and falling rapidly as I fumed in anger, "How could she do this shit to us?"

Rose had been trying to get me to calm myself down, holding me tightly to restrain from breaking anything else in the house.

"I warned you, Tyler. You should know better. I don't mess around, asshole."

He'd only gotten me angrier, and I shook away from Rose's grasp, running out the front door, startling Ryan and Josh in the process.

As I retreated to the porch, my hands grabbed at the nearest object I could reach. A flower pot.

I grasped at the edge of the porcelain, throwing the plant onto the driveway and screaming as it had crushed to the ground in pieces.

Immediately Josh, Ryan and Rose were in my presence. "Don't do it, Ty!" Josh scolded, referring to my arms reaching for the glass table sitting perched beside our bench. As I had began to throw it, Josh quickly leaped onto me, restraining me roughly.

I couldn't help but begin to tear up in that moment, feeling as though nobody was on my side. The emotions had hit me all at once, and I had no possible control of them. The love of my life's family was against me, any possible God in the universe was against me, hell, I was fucking against me.

Josh's grip on my arms had loosened as he had realized I completely broke down, my body falling to the ground as it rocked forward and back in absolute distress. My hands found my face, covering the embarrassing sight as it had been drenched in my sadness.

"What the hell even happened?" Ryan shrieked, her arms outspread in confusion. Not a single word was heard, and I could feel Rose's familiar hands rubbing my back gently to calm me. I pulled her into my side, hugging her so tightly because I was so afraid she would leave me, "This can't be happening. After all of this, you can't just go, you can't just leave me. I need you, Rose," I sobbed out on her shoulder.

"Shh," She whispered into my ear, kissing my jaw and wiping away at my tears, "No one said I was leaving you, Ty."

I chuckled in shock, "Mila is your family, Rose. Of course you would make the decision to be with her."

"Hey," She'd said sternly, making sure I had been looking her right in the eyes as she continued, "You are my family, too. I've spent the last ten years of my life with you, Tyler. I love you, more than I love myself, more than I even love Mila. You are my priority. If Mila thinks acting this way will make me leave you, then she has her plan all mixed up. Honestly, I don't know what's gotten into her. She has never acted this way before, and I'm not sure why she's started all of a sudden.

The fact that she made you go pick up my things from her house last night, was completely unnecessary and petty. Kicking me out all together was absolutely ridiculous. When I needed her the most, she left me by myself. She doesn't know anything about you, Tyler. She doesn't realize that you're my other half, my best friend, my heart. Of course I'm choosing you."

My heart beat slowed, and my hands settled from their shakiness, "I love you, Rose. But, I wouldn't be able to stand myself knowing that I dragged you away from your only family."

Ryan's loud voice had cut in, "That's what this is about? Mila gave Rose an ultimatum? Oh," She began to laugh sinisterly, "I'm just about ready to go off right now."

Josh took Ryan's hands, "No, babe, relax. You're not going to fight Rose's sister," He scolded sternly, receiving an annoyed glance from Ryan.

Sincerely, Tyler  ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)Where stories live. Discover now