"Tyler! What the fuck did you do?" A raging Josh busted through the back door and immediately over to me, his hands grabbing the collar of my bloodied sweater.
His eyes had never shown me more anger than now, and I was fearful for my life at that moment, "I could fucking kill you!" He shrieked, throwing me to the ground with no remorse.
Another ear-piercing scream was emitted from inside the house; Ryan. She stood at the backyard door, looking in shock through the glass at the vulgar scene in front of her, her hands covering her opened mouth, "Oh my god," she continued to mumble, over and over. Her feet paced backwards and forewords quickly as she hyperventilated, "I have to call the police."
In milliseconds she'd sprinted away from us and into the living room, my eyes continuing to well up in tears out of pure distress. What was happening at this moment was so completely unbelievable, it was too awful to be true. I'd never prayed more for a nightmare. I couldn't even look at Rose's mutilated body, I couldn't look at what I'd done to her.
Josh had bent over in hysterical crying, his hands covering his face as his knees hit the floor, "She's fucking dead, I can't fucking believe this."
Blurryface stood with a taunting smirk behind Josh, mimicking his crying. This being was so vile, so evil I couldn't even compare him to the devil himself.
"Fuck!" I screamed out, tugging at my hair harshly, "Go the fuck away!" The tears drenched my cheeks as realization hit me; Rose was actually gone. I would never be able to hold her again, to touch her or kiss her. I would never feel her safety or her love. She wasn't here, she wasn't with me anymore.
I crawled my way over to her, holding her arms gently and rocking her body, "Please wake up, Rose. Please!" I sobbed into her chest. All the warmth in her had been drained. She was left icy and lifeless, "Let this be a dream. I love you, Rose, I didn't mean to do this to you. You didn't deserve this," I choked out, my words slurring as I had slobbered all over the place.
I winced and groaned out and screamed and cried, just hoping this was some kind of twisted nightmare that I would soon wake up from.
The veins could be felt protruding from my neck as I continued to sob, hiccuping every few seconds or so. The faint sound of sirens could be heard in the distance and I knew what was to come of it.
"Get the fuck away from her, Tyler. Don't go near her! You did this you fucking asshole!" Josh had stood suddenly, most likely seeing red. His hands balled into fists as he'd punched me in the face. I took it, not bothering to fight him back.
I wanted him to end everything for me right then and there. I knew I couldn't be on this planet anymore if Rose wasn't there with me.
I could feel the blood drip from my nose and onto my lips, the distinct taste staining my tongue.
A loud sound of the barging policemen entering into the house was what let Josh stop himself from hurting me any further. Instantly after they'd seen the both of us, our hands were placed behind our backs without question and we were cuffed tightly.
As our Miranda Rights were being repeated, pictures of Rose's body were taken by some sort of a detective for evaluation and evidence, Ryan's crying only heightening as Rose's body was carried onto a stretcher.
"Let's go," A harsh voice spat, four policemen ushering Josh and I outside to the front of the house, placing us into two separate cars for questioning, Ryan being done the same in another cop car.
"Please forgive me, Rose," I mumbled repeatedly under my breath through the stinging tears in my eyes. My head felt light and my stomach felt heavy, but nothing else mattered to me in this moment more than Rosemary.
The sirens had gone off as the car began moving, leading me back to that familiar station. The ambulance Rose was in could be seen speeding off in the opposite direction.
The car was a deadly silent, not a single word was spoken, the only noise was the shaking of my fingers against the leather seats as I held in my cries.
After about fifteen minutes, the radio on the dash board had gone off, a staticky voice on the other end mumbling something that was completely inaudible to me. The police officer responded with some sort of code number, before drifting his eyes to meet mine in the rear-view mirror.
"Looks like that girl back at the crime scene was officially pronounced dead."

Sincerely, Tyler ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)
FanfictionTheir story continues. Tyler has returned. Rose is happy once again. She's blossomed and is full of life. But now, a new obstacle stands in the way of Tyler and his contentedness. A familiar friend, Blurryface All Rights Reserved © 2017 bxbygirlem