"Morning, Ty, I'm going to go drop Ryan off at the skating rink, and then I'm going to head over to my uncles place. You up to join?" Josh asked after knocking softly on the door. I stirred around in the bed, my body tangling itself into the sheets as I squinted my eyes to meet his, "Um," I groaned out, looking to the time, 7:36 a.m, "I think I'm okay, buddy. I'll call you if I need something, go on and don't worry about me."
He tried one last time to get me out of bed before realizing I wouldn't budge, "You sure you're going to be okay here by yourself?"
I sat upright on the bed immediately as he wondered that, "Of course," I paused to rub my eyes, "I don't think they would let me free from an insane asylum if the doctors believed otherwise," I joked around, Josh seeming to take it very seriously rather than playfully as expected.
A sigh escaped his lips, "Remember, I'm just a call away, yes?" His eyebrow quirked awaiting for a persuasive response.
"Yes, Josh," I pushed, eager to get him to leave, "Now go before you make Ryan late."
Quickly, he walked over to the bed, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a quick side hug before heading out into the hall completely, "Bye, Tyler!" The both of them called out before the sound of the front door locking was heard, "Bye, guys!" I sighed, my eyes dry from tiredness. The open blinds released the harsh rays of sun, blinding me as I had tried to leave my dome of peace.
As I retreated to the en-suite bathroom, my eyes trailed onto my outgrown hair. After being so used to it in a buzz cut, it was odd seeing it back to its usual messy style. I continued with brushing my teeth and splashing some water onto my face, not forgetting to take my morning medication.
Josh and Ryan wouldn't be back in a couple of hours, allowing me enough time to be spontaneous. My curiosity was hitting me deeply and I needed to feed it off somehow.
Digging into the pockets of a few jeans I had already sprawled onto the floor, I gathered some loose change and I made sure to grab that important paper I hid under my socks in their drawer as well. Quickly I dressed into a baggy t-shirt and some sweats, not necessarily too keen on impressing anyone. Josh had taken the car, resulting in the usage of the good old transit bus.
It had been some time since doing this, but I wasn't rusty to the works of it. I felt I trusted myself enough to carry this out correctly. I'd hope only for the best.
Not too long after preparing myself for the short journey, I was off and out the door. The elevator would take me too long in this large, vast building, so instead the stairs would have to do it. However, rushing down twenty seven flights of them could really make one dizzy, let me tell you.
After leaving the main lobby, my eyes darted to the nearest bus stop, checking on my phone every few minutes or so when the next pickup was meant to take place. 6 minutes.
My feet jogged quickly across the empty road, continuing down the sidewalk that indeed lead up to the stop I had been searching for. Recollecting that extra change, I held the cold coins in my sweaty hands, my eyes catching the front of the bus approaching.
"Good morning," I smiled to the chirpy bus driver, dropping my change into the machine and ripping off my printed ticket. The bus began to move off slowly, my body lunging slightly forward as it gained speed. I caught myself on one of the handles, etching my way past the numerous legs and onto my own seat at the very back.
My hands found the crumpled letter in my pocket, and I began reading it over and over again in my head, the realization hitting me keenly causing me to well up with tears. I contained myself, though, and tucked the drenched paper away so I would no longer have to dread this farewell.

Sincerely, Tyler ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)
FanficTheir story continues. Tyler has returned. Rose is happy once again. She's blossomed and is full of life. But now, a new obstacle stands in the way of Tyler and his contentedness. A familiar friend, Blurryface All Rights Reserved © 2017 bxbygirlem