"Paying for the damages isn't the problem here, Tyler," Martin scolded me as we sat in the quiet meeting room. Guests were allowed to visit under supervision during their permitted week and today was my so called 'family' day.
Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes for what seemed to be the eightieth time today, "Martin, I know what the problem is. I understand that I'm it but -"
"That wasn't what he was trying to say, honey," Mom took my hand gently in her own, my father placing his on my shoulder for comfort.
"We only want what's best for you." My brother Jay nodded intently in agreement.
Rose is the only person best for me.
Josh cleared his throat abruptly, catching everyone's attention, "I don't think we should be taking this so harshly," He spoke to Martin, his eyes later meeting mine in compassion as he scratched the back of his neck, "Tyler's only been here for how long now? A month give or take? We can't expect him to just all of the sudden get better without having any complications. That's what Tyler is here for. He needs to be able to grow, and learn, and sometimes making mistakes is how a person does that."
Martin stood from his chair slowly, adjusting his polished suit. His fingers found their way to his forehead, rubbing the tired skin in slight frustration. He sighed, pacing around the room, "Of course, but, I'm afraid Tyler's case is on the extreme side. These people are constantly onto him, and if they sense any trouble, trust me, they'll do what they must without hesitation in order to get Tyler in here longer, and I'm sorry to say, but that means doing the whole courtroom business again."
I was able to understand what Martin was saying. He'd commended me earlier for being able to get slightly better before the whole group session scene took place yesterday, but I was able to grasp where he had been coming from now. If I wanted to get out of here soon, I'd have to look past my weaknesses, meaning Blurryface. If I couldn't do that, well, we'd be back in the courtroom again.
"Hello, sorry for interrupting but I'm afraid your visiting hour has been completed," Mrs. Sperry, the supervisor, knocked on the open door, gathering everyone's eyes.
Slowly we all stood from our chairs, my mother already beginning to tear up as I'd led my family over to the front doors, "I love you, Tyler. I'm going to try and come up every visiting day, okay?" She weeped into my chest, holding me tightly.
"You don't have to do that, mom," I insisted, rubbing her back soothingly to try and relax her. Mom, dad, my two brothers and sister had all come from Ohio for this guest meeting. I knew it was a hassle to make the journey, and I also knew I would feel so absolutely awful having them put in so much effort to arrive at every single one of them.
"Bye, Ty, take care of yourself," Madison bid her farewells to me, her hand squeezing onto my arm before we'd gone in for an embrace.
After saying goodbye to everyone, Ryan stayed behind a little longer, suddenly asking, "You saw Rose? She saved you from going any further during your, um, your -"
"Outburst," I handed her the word, to which she shook her head, "No, I don't like that."
"It's okay, Ryan. It's what it was," I smiled in hopes of making her feel somewhat more comfortable with this conversation. Her eyes drifted to her shoes, and it was obvious there was something eating away at her mind.
"How did she look, Tyler? Did she look okay?" Ryan seemed consternated, her face showing me all of the concern I needed to understand just how serious she took this question.
I nodded, my hands finding her shoulders, "She looked beautiful, Ryan. I have a feeling that she's okay wherever she is."
A few tears slipped from her eyes and she quickly wiped them away before anyone could really notice, "At least she's with her parents now, too."

Sincerely, Tyler ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)
Fiksi PenggemarTheir story continues. Tyler has returned. Rose is happy once again. She's blossomed and is full of life. But now, a new obstacle stands in the way of Tyler and his contentedness. A familiar friend, Blurryface All Rights Reserved © 2017 bxbygirlem